HMS & Plastic Remembrance Day - July 13th & 14th 2013!

Wow! This is so awesome! I am very much excited.... and Blader DJ ..! Its been a long time.. your just great.
Congratz cannon and inguilt! You guys deserve the respect for serving this community....
The prizes are truly generous... Smile hats off to the WBO..the committee, . for everything they have done .! Its time we mumbai bladers get a tourney ready Smile
Yeah it's great to see ingulit get the promotion he deserved after all his work in the customizations forum (especially recently) and we all knew cannon would get it sooner or later
(Jul. 03, 2013  1:52 AM)Kei Wrote:
(Jul. 03, 2013  1:49 AM)Kai-V Wrote: Anyway, we would like to introduce Cannon and Ingulit as the newest Global Moderators too!

Welcome to the team, guys. Smile

Thank you, to the Committee Members!, and for all the praises everyone as well.

Congrats to Ingulit as well. Wink


Great to see this event again, I'll try to attend one if there is in Melbourne; have a bunch of plastics that would love to use.
congrats to our new moderators..
face contest?? yeeeee... Eee
Blader DJ's post was really great. No grammatical errors, no typos, etc Tongue_out
It's true. Although it's been years since we last saw them at the top, the WBO manages to get us closer to it year by year! Best of luck to everyone attending a tourney on that day!
Wow! HMS & Plastics Remembrance Day is here! I would surely take part in one tournament if it happens in Mumbai! Pinching_eyes_2
Blader DJ, you speak as only one who has attained the greatest beyspirit could. It brings a tear of joy to my eye. Happy Remembrance, beyfriend.

While I may not be able to get a tournament together again this year because of family stuff, I'll try to keep focussed on a single idea long enough to actually make an entry to the competition this time, instead of changing my mind every day and then not having enough time to do anything. I think I'm most looking forward to seeing what combinations rake in the victories this year (they come under that new rule, right?)

And congratulations to Cannon and Ingulit on their promotions to Forum Janitors Global Moderators. Hopefully this will deal with those dead hours around my time zone where it's me and a couple of other users and like three spambots, and no staff haha, and just generally help clean things up.
Great event as always, and also congrats to Ingulit and Cannon Grin
even we are going to keep a tourney here at india very exciting my first plastics and hms tourney i know they rock but still never showed interest in it but now time has changed!! LET IT RIP!!!! Plastics & HMS!!!!!!
(Jul. 03, 2013  10:58 AM)Dayrider Wrote: even we are going to keep a tourney here at india very exciting my first plastics and hms tourney i know they rock but still never showed interest in it but now time has changed!! LET IT RIP!!!! Plastics & HMS!!!!!!
we are still trying on getting members..... so dont be very sure Smile
Thats great like as always. Congrats Inguilt and Cannon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well done to Cannon and Inguilt! Have to say I'm not surprised, defently to very knowledgable and helpful members! Well done again !

Probably my favorite event of the year! I can't wait to get out HMS and start playing again.

Sooo excited.

And congrats to Cannon and Ingulit! You guys definitely deserve it.
What's up with you guys, dosen't anyone like Max and his Draciel? Or am I the only one?
Well, Remembrance Day is here, and unfortunately, I really won't be participating in anything.
There's a lot of stuff to motivate me to, but well, I'll have to adapt to a new lifestyle now, having entered a new phase of my academic life.
And unfortunately, it all begins a week before the Remembrance Days...

So yeah, I wouldn't really be participating in anything. Unhappy
Face Contest is cool, though! I better check out the deadline now and see if I can keep myself up to it.

And of course, congratulations Ingulit and Cannon!
I've never really seen Ingulit getting harsh though, haha! I wonder if he'd ever attach those moderator notices or pass out warnings. Tongue_out
Oh, yes, and of course, the banner looks awesome! Great job Kei (I assume it was him haha).

On the new rules:

Completely agree with the credits thing. Because of the new rewards, people want credits more than ever. This added limit gives a fairer advantage to others.

On the mandatory combinations posting, I think it was a needed rule. We definatly have had a lack of combinations posting (especially MD, we are always behind haha). I think it is good for the community as well because it cause the top players to think even more innovativly than ever before.
Congrats to all!

UltimiteOrion has something in the works for NYC, but while I'm trying to help out I have yet to see if it was confirmed or not...
I hope I can finally attend one of these, I've been on the forums since they were started haha. I want to use my beloved HMS to battle someone other than myself.
I am helping Insomniac set up a Plastics/HMS tourney in Richmond, VA on the 13th. I only have 1.5 plastics and no HMS, but it's all I can do to celebrate ;D .
If only these events were in my area Unhappy.
Also, congratulations you two.
Ga'Hooleone - If you can make it to Connecticon on the 13th, we'll be running an HMS tournament!
(Jul. 03, 2013  3:01 PM)GaHooleone Wrote: Congrats to all!

UltimiteOrion has something in the works for NYC, but while I'm trying to help out I have yet to see if it was confirmed or not...
I hope I can finally attend one of these, I've been on the forums since they were started haha. I want to use my beloved HMS to battle someone other than myself.

UltimiteOrion and I are doing our best to get it approved as soon as possible, so it should work.
I can't wait to spin my black Wolborg MS in at connecticon. I have so many HMS combos to put to use, I believe I can win something there.
Oooh, I"m so late on this.


This all looks amazing, great job WBO!