Things that you are obsessed with in your life

Starting to get an obsession with crystals and stones. For some reason, crystals are super satisfying. Really — search some pictures of crystals up and youll get what I mean. They all come in all sorts of colors and shapes

Im collecting some right now, from raw crystals to ones that have been carved into shapes. And a little of placebo effect here: they make me feel a little better mentally
For me it has to be super smash bros and dc comics/dceu (I will support b v s with my life)
terraria smash ultimate and godzilla
There are tons of things i am obssed with besides beyblade! such as Yo-kai Watch, I love anime and manga, also I collect marvel figures and build model kits. There are still more things I love to do!
Tbh, one thing i'm pretty obsessed with in my life is Rock music or really just music in general. I'm also pretty obsessed with Guitars as well (As if my new PFP didn't make that obvious enough).

I'm also sorta obsessed with Beyblade but not as much as i used to be, can truthfully say that i'm not as invested in the competitive scene anymore and really just a casual player/simple collector at this point.

I also do collect some comic books and video games now.
I obsessed with guitar and vocals.
Also rock/metal music.

I also collect beyblades mostly from plastic gen
I mean… does beyblade count 😎
CRPGs. The best example to come right now that made mainstream is Baldur’s Gate 3. This game style may be niche and the combat mechanics are definitely out of my league. However, the way their stories are written are so engaging. No other games can compete.
Im obsessed with getting over my fear of roller coasters!
(May. 30, 2024  5:09 AM)jonasdouglas Wrote: I can't get enough of vintage vinyl records. The warmth of the sound, the crackles... it's like stepping back in time

[font="Google Sans", Roboto, sans-serif]That's cool, but have you seen the latest tech gadgets? I'm obsessed with them. Every new release, every innovation, I gotta have it.[/font]
(May. 30, 2024  5:09 AM)jonasdouglas Wrote: I can't get enough of vintage vinyl records. The warmth of the sound, the crackles... it's like stepping back in time.

Well, I'm all about fitness. Crossfit, yoga, you name it. I live for the adrenaline rush of pushing my limits.
Sonic! Absolutely Sonic T Hedgehog!