World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - Printable Version

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RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - C-Dub - Feb. 19, 2011

(Feb. 19, 2011  12:22 AM)regulardude Wrote: [gdyegcyusdgcdy] dhd] uf6duw6wy767hoijeirewyhrgudrfirfejurwOL

What the double carpLips_sealed

RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - Light Yagami - Feb. 19, 2011

ii really wonder whats going on in his mind when he wrote that

RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - Sparx000 - Feb. 19, 2011

(Feb. 19, 2011  12:22 AM)regulardude Wrote: [gdyegcyusdgcdy] dhd] uf6duw6wy767hoijeirewyhrgudrfirfejurwOL
???What the carp?!I think this is SPAM

RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - Light Yagami - Feb. 19, 2011

yeah its definatly spam.

RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - 001 - Feb. 20, 2011

i really dont mean to spam at his spam... but... trololololol!

RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - Kujikato - Feb. 20, 2011

Character request
can i join, you have a lot of talent as a writer, 

name: Izuma Inzori
Bey: Silent Ninja SBSCH85-110 RHF/RS
Bey discrption: 
Silent: think of Lightning with the multi hit mode as thick shurikens, and upper mode as a kunai
Ninja: think of kerbecs and l-drago1 with the 'rings' as shurikens and the dragon heads as kunai.
SBSCH85-110: Shuriken Blade Spring Change Height8.5mm-11mm, think of CH120 with shell resembeling a shuriken, can bounce when loosened. Bounces at the command of izuma.
RHF/RS: HF/F with the tips made of rubber
characther bio: wears Black all the time, helpful and cool, classmates are jealous of him
super attack: Silent death Silent Ninja dissapears and hits oponent with a million kunai and shuriken
bey color: all black
age 12

RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - Light Yagami - Feb. 20, 2011

um is he good or bad

RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - Key blader - Feb. 20, 2011

When is the next chapter? I'm excited to see it. Oh and btw, Kevin has his big battle with a new charcater in my story Fusion Whirlwind Blade School.

RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - Light Yagami - Feb. 20, 2011

and the next chapter will be done soon.but spartas writing it cuz i am sick

RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - Key blader - Feb. 20, 2011

(Feb. 20, 2011  7:44 PM)darkangelkaieru Wrote: yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
and the next chapter will be done soon.but spartas writing it cuz i am sick
haha okay. The chapter would've been done last night but I pressed the wrong button and the chapter got deleted.

RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - Light Yagami - Feb. 20, 2011

okay and i hope its done soon

RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - Key blader - Feb. 20, 2011

(Feb. 20, 2011  9:00 PM)darkangelkaieru Wrote: okay and i hope its done soon
It's about half way done again now

RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - Light Yagami - Feb. 20, 2011

yes i cant wait

RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - Ozma - Feb. 21, 2011

Appearance:black jacket over a black a and red shirt and gray pants with a black cloak
Personality:very straightforward
Backstory:he grew up in a tribe and was given the mission to protect the sacred bey
Beyblade:eclipse sol blaze v145ms
Talents:very fast runner and extremely stealthy
Special moves:black sunset:sol blaze turns into a black sun and collapses on the opponents bey.sacred firestorm:sol blaze spins very fast and forms a tornado of fire.cross fire:sol blaze forms a burning x to power itself up.
Weaknesses:holding grudges which make it hard for him to forgive and sometimes causes him to deny help because he doesn't like the person trying to help him
Purpose:his mission is to protect the sacred bey but he'll go as far as to seal it away for good if it's owner can't handle it

RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - Light Yagami - Feb. 21, 2011

is he good or bad there is no netral

RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - LordCepheusIII - Feb. 21, 2011

Great story man. I also got Gravity Perseus and Meteo L Drago yesterday.

RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - Light Yagami - Feb. 21, 2011


RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - Ozma - Feb. 21, 2011

He's good but to the person with the sacred bey he seems bad

RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - Light Yagami - Feb. 21, 2011


RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - Ozma - Feb. 21, 2011

So is my character accepted

RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - Light Yagami - Feb. 21, 2011

uh well yeah i guess

RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - Light Yagami - Feb. 22, 2011

Ethan and Jake launched, and their beys went straight at each other. They clashed, and sparks flew, but Jake yawned. "Gimme a real fight," He said, clearly bored. Ethan was mad. "Just play the game!" He said. Jake took a step back. "Take it easy!" He said. "I don't want you to strain yourself. Anyways, it's not like you can win. You know, I've heard that losing can be frustrating sometimes. But I wouldn't know." He narrowed his gaze at Ethan. "I rarely lose." He raised his hand up towards the sky. "Special move!" He shouted. "Peafowl! Rainbow Dance!" Ethan looked taken aback. "What?" He asked. "Peafowl Rainbow Dance?" Suddenly, Peafowls emblem flashed and a colorful blend of rainbow lights filled the room. "Aaaah!" Ethan cried, shielding his eyes from the blinding lights. Jake laughed. "Deal with this!" He said, and the lights intensified. Dranzer was wobbling! Meanwhile Peafowl took advantage of Ethan's disorientation and attacked Dranzer. "No!" I shouted. "Fight back Ethan!" His mind flashed with realization. That's right, he thought. I need to win so we can get out of here! "Raaaaaahh!" He screamed. "Go now Dranzer!" Now it was Jake who was surprised. "What?" He asked, fear in his eyes. "Even after all of those attacks he still has power to spare?" Ethan smirked. "Funny thing about Peacocks!" He shouted. "They have all sorts of dazzling lights, but no power to back it up! They're all show, JUST LIKE YOU!" He closed his eyes. "I don't need to see do be able to defeat the likes of you! DRANZER! BLAZING COMET RAINSTORM AAAAAHH!!" Dranzer flew up into the air, flashed his emblem, and dove, as millions of raining comets. Jake was scared. "This can't be!" He shrieked. His eyes were full of fear. "Oh," I smiled under my breath. "But it is." I turned to Ethan. "Do it now!" I shouted, and he nodded. "Now!" And Dranzer, in the master comet, dove and hit Peafowl like a hammer on a nail. "Nooo!" Jake cried, but it was too late. Peafowl was pushed into the ground. After the smoke cleared, only one bey was left spinning. It was Dranzer! "Yah!" We all shouted. Ethan smiled. "I won!" He yelled, and laughed. Meanwhile, Jake was on the ground, too weak to stand. "This isn't over!" He shouted. "You little pipsqueaks aren't going anywhere!" He tried to stand, but he fell. Ethan laughed. "Like I said, you're all show." And with that, our team, full again, left.

The eclipse savior's have left the building!
this chapter was writin by sparta

RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - C-Dub - Feb. 22, 2011

cooluo chaptah...lot of action like Libra vs Pegasis

RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - Light Yagami - Feb. 22, 2011

yeah oh yeah i will be writing the next chapter my self just to let you guys know

RE: Darkangel's Story #1 Battle for the fate of earth(Plz vote on poll) - Sparx000 - Feb. 22, 2011

Epic new chapter!