World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Worst pain you have ever experienced - Printable Version

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RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Cyber Kerberous - Oct. 10, 2009

fell straight on my head off a roof (turned into stewie griffin, LOL) got KOd for 1min

Funnily enough, my mate at school got knocked himself out by breathing only out of his mouth, then being pressed firmly against his chest. He got knocked out, but nobody caught him as he fell. He's got bruises all down his face (where he fell) and to top it off, a detention on a saturday for it LOL

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Umblumb - Oct. 10, 2009

him broke my arm when i was 1 my dog passing away broke my nose 2 years ago so much to choose from

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - fragbait - Oct. 12, 2009

Does it have to be physical pain? If not, I think the worst pain I've ever had is the pain I felt when my first GF told me she cheated on me.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - TMF128 - Oct. 15, 2009

I believe it was getting hit VERY hard in the private area.

It isn't the impact that hurts the most, but the pain in the gut afterward.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Rustin - Oct. 17, 2009

(Oct. 12, 2009  6:49 AM)fragbait Wrote: Does it have to be physical pain? If not, I think the worst pain I've ever had is the pain I felt when my first GF told me she cheated on me.

wow man i cant even begin to understand wat kind of emotional pain that u went through

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - fragbait - Oct. 18, 2009

(Oct. 17, 2009  10:42 PM)Rustin Wrote: wow man i cant even begin to understand wat kind of emotional pain that u went through

I was very attached. Needless to say I stayed with her, but didn't trust her much afterwords.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Rustin - Oct. 27, 2009

so i got my wisdom teeth pulled and my bottom K-9s surfaced with chains on them on friday and the weird thing is is that im not in any pain, the last painful thing that happend to me was feelin the i v go into my arm
did any one who have this done to them remember when ther pain started?

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Excalibur - Nov. 01, 2009

2 worst pains,

First, I was 8 and fell on a tractor spike, on my head, had surgery on my scull and a lot of stitches.

Second, Sophomore year in baseball, slide into second legs first, compound fracture to my leg, I saw the bone sticking out so i really didn't feel it, i was just delusional.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - aman27deep - Nov. 02, 2009

mine was when i nearly cut my lil finger on my left had, it was hanging on by my weenie bone Pinching_eyes_2

happened while i was trespassing Speechless

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - ??? - Nov. 02, 2009

ironicly while playing with beyblades one of them shatterd and some shrapnle pepperd my legs didnt realy hert but its the most blood i've ever lost from any injury my mom freaked out and rushed me to the hospital aperently a shard nicked one of my arterys

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Aqua - Nov. 03, 2009

(Nov. 02, 2009  9:59 PM)flamedramon Wrote: ironicly while playing with beyblades one of them shatterd and some shrapnle pepperd my legs didnt realy hert but its the most blood i've ever lost from any injury my mom freaked out and rushed me to the hospital aperently a shard nicked one of my arterys


RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Bey Brad - Nov. 03, 2009


RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Blade - Apr. 26, 2010

I was playin lacrosse and I was right in front of the goal... Some kid ripped a shot and it hit my elbow. It broke and It was numb for like 2 weeks.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - kanato dolsrin - Apr. 26, 2010

cat scratch fever.....ever had it not fun. i had two very bad cases, one my first my dad refused to take me to the hospile i was in so much pain couldnt sleep couldnt really move it, but it recoved after a few weeks. same hand i got it again went to the doctor and they drew the purple line, if it swelled up to the line they where going to have to take off the problem due to the loss of serculation to my fingers...that scared me but the medication helped out.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - SaMaster14 - Apr. 26, 2010

2 winters ago (december 08 about), I fractured my kneecap. I was sparring in martial arts and landed wrong. My kneecap dislocated(was on the SIDE of my leg) and a piece of bone broke off. The piece was an inch by an inch and a half(BIG), so I needed surgery. Thankfully, because my parents have some connections in the medical field, I was able to visit one of the top orthopedic surgeons in the world(he works on the Los Angeles Lakers, the Dodgers, he did work with star football players on teams such as the Patriots, etc). But, none-the-less, after surgery the doctor said that I would probably never do sports again, since I was missing so much bone. BUT... I did the physical therapy, etc etc and after a month, my leg had full extension back(which the doctor said was a miracle....) and after about 6 months, I was finally able to start all sports again. I went back to water polo, martial arts, running, jumping etc etc. My knee is obviously still weak... but I'm pretty much normal, I just have to be a bit careful.

I have some scars on my knee also haha... and I must say, definitely the most painful experience of my life. I was in a cast for a while too(don't remember exactly how long) and had crutches, etc etc.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Fullmoon - Apr. 30, 2010

mine would be when I fell off an ATV in camp and and hurt my hand it was bleeding and got rocks inside my hand I had to go to the hospital because of that and they took the rocks out with a needle it was really painful

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - ArgorokKing - Apr. 30, 2010

fell down cement stiars than feell of the side of the stairs and landing like 7-10 feet back on a cement floor, i was younger so i dont remember much pain, but i dont even remember bleeding or getting hurt anywhere after it

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Pimpju - May. 03, 2010

^^^ woah that's pretty bad. Mine would either be the times where i get kicked in the fun spot, since i do martial arts too, and i usually cbb wearing a cup ~___________~" or the time when i was about 10 and i was racing my friend during the evening down a boulevard with lots of branches fallen on the floor.

He was on a bike, and i was on a scooter. i saw a branch in my way, and being the pic ninja i am, i olly'd over it, but landed on the first wheel and hit my head on the floor xD the bump was massive.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - TheHandsOfTime - May. 03, 2010

well, i dont really know lol...
but getting burned when i was 4 years old was the worst...

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Moss-Da-Boss - May. 03, 2010

i dunno being hit by a bus hurt quite abit
but the worst was falling off my bike while going down
the big hill in epping forest i broke both my legs
but that was in the old days ... when i was 12

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - mezz - May. 03, 2010

i don't know really but i have a few:

1. I was about 8 when riding my bike down a hill going full speed then a car came! It was either i jump off my bike (very hard thing to do at full speed) or collide into the car. So i jumped but i chose the wrong place to jump and jumped into thorn bushes. Ended up with a huge cut down my stomach and a couple of thorns + splinters stuck in there aswell. never told my parents.

2.Tried to get the remote off of my sister but then somhow my two front teeth(milk teeth at that time) banged into the wooden part of the sofa, and i was bleeding for along time. And couldn't eat for about 2days then i went to the dentist and he didn't numb my two front teeth, he just pulled them out which PAINED!! Angry i was like 6 then.

3. Not really painfull to the body, just to my head lol i was walking back from school when i got some wire caught in my wrist about 1cm away from my veins and i had to pull it out. So if i was closer then, i probably wouldn't be typing this post up lol. I still got the scars, then the funny thing is that it happened another time but it was much further away this time about 3cm.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Aqua - May. 03, 2010

(May. 03, 2010  4:29 PM)NOVA Wrote: i dunno being hit by a bus hurt quite abit


RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - beybattler - May. 03, 2010

I used to wake up at like 3:00 in the morning and I like couldn't move and when I moved my legs it hurt so badly and the only way to stop the pain was to stand up for a few minutes. and it was hard to get up without getting hurt. I hated those growing pains

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - kanato dolsrin - May. 03, 2010

iv gotten the worst burn on my dads 64 vet. right on the back of my leg. of course all the skin came off and the stupid gauze wrap ended up getting scabbed over so everytime i made a sudden movement i would rip it open all over agin. it was a very very painful trip.

NOVA, that rocks! had a freind who got hit by a car and broke his neck and leg. must been very painful, but guessing its quite a story to tell heheheXD

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - ApplesOfGod - May. 04, 2010

when i played whit a glue stick it got on all my fingers and when i cut my hand to the flesh and crack my thumb