World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Worst pain you have ever experienced - Printable Version

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RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Ariamis776 - Sep. 01, 2009

your worst pain huh...for me...emotionally the death of my grandpa, physically, bout 4 years ago when i was 12, it was a icy boxing day (day after xmas) me and my bro were riding our new bikes down a road and we went on a iced up patch without knowing, i tried to stop and succeeded, my brother however, failed he just in time jumped off his bike and both the bikes and him ironically landed on my ankle, i torn the ligements but it felt like someone had cut my ankle off with a blunt rusty knife, eiter that or when my broter kicked me in the nutz whilst wearing his rollerskates, but i gott him back, steel toecap boots + his nutz, = fun for me.
(Sep. 01, 2009  10:58 PM)lahtel Wrote: dog eating balls while naked
ofcourse i managed to avoid serious injury

no way would i allow anything to happen to my babys

Uhm, why was ur dog anywhere near them while ur naked? im worried.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Galaxxy - Sep. 01, 2009

My most painful experience is when I was asleep and my side table door was open and I could feel myself putting my arm in the air and rolling just about to wake up then.............boom, I fell of and I could't breathe from the shock I tried to call for my mum but I could't but she somehow new I was injured.
I left it a couple of days but still in terrible pain I went to the hospital turned out I had quite serious pnuemonia (I get it nearly every year since my cousin smacked my chest on a slide when I was young) So I wasn't that afraid since I had had it before (But really I think I didn't care because I never really new what it was).
Anyway I ended up staying in like 3 weeks to a month, I spent New Years in hospital and got released the day before my birthday (Thank God) so yeah that's my most painful experience.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - The_Lumberman - Sep. 02, 2009

Hitting my head on this little metal box sticking out of the wall in a basement storage place. I was doing some inventory counts with a coworker and I had bent down to pick up some count sheets they dropped. I was coming back up too fast and slammed the back of my head right into it. I was writhing on the floor in agony clutching my skull for several minutes. I still have the indentation in my head.

Ironically, I called my coworker a clumsy idiot for dropping the count sheets right before I hurt myself. The karma hammer came down on me pretty swiftly.

Either that or when I was about 7 playing Marco Polo. I was Marco and was seeking out my 2 younger sisters (5 and 3). They had hit behind a door planning to lure me in that direction so they could slam the door in my face (that's how we roll in my family). Unfortunately I had my arms stretched out wide in front of me. My finger was caught in the small opening of the door (where the hinges are) when my sisters proceeded the slam the door repetitively, crushing my finger in the process. They kept doing it because they weren't sure why the door wasn't closing.

Honestly, I don't remember exactly what was said after that. Other than screaming bloody murder for my mother and crying uncontrollably. Luckily we lived across the street from a Medicenter. Before we went my mom decided to give me something for the pain (since I wouldn't stop screaming) so in one of her brighter moments she gave me the all purpose medicine Penicillin. That was also the day I found out I was allergic to Penicillin (my face swelled up and my breathing became labored).

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Omega - Sep. 02, 2009

Skating down a hill, rocks in the way, the board went flying, (this was down a steep road) flipped of, broke my toe, my arm, and split my chin. And the worst part was my friend was the one who put the rocks there. Confused

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - firekid115 - Sep. 02, 2009

my freinds were at my house one day sometime last year, and i bent over to pick something up, but one of my friends acidenttlaly pushed my other freind into me, he accidenttaly kneed me in the jaw.

i think i dislocated it.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Serotonin - Sep. 02, 2009

Lumberman, your luck is absolutely terrible. ♥

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Ash - Sep. 02, 2009

I agree ♥.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - lethal01 - Sep. 03, 2009

(Sep. 01, 2009  11:23 PM)JB Stardust770 Wrote: your worst pain huh...for me...emotionally the death of my grandpa, physically, bout 4 years ago when i was 12, it was a icy boxing day (day after xmas) me and my bro were riding our new bikes down a road and we went on a iced up patch without knowing, i tried to stop and succeeded, my brother however, failed he just in time jumped off his bike and both the bikes and him ironically landed on my ankle, i torn the ligements but it felt like someone had cut my ankle off with a blunt rusty knife, eiter that or when my broter kicked me in the nutz whilst wearing his rollerskates, but i gott him back, steel toecap boots + his nutz, = fun for me.

Uhm, why was ur dog anywhere near them while ur naked? im worried.

i like being naked ok

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Ariamis776 - Sep. 03, 2009

Kinda creepy.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Hyuuga Neji - Sep. 03, 2009

(Sep. 03, 2009  7:17 PM)lahtel Wrote: i like being naked ok

cool, nobody cares or wants to hear it

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Rustin - Sep. 12, 2009

i was in my garage looking for a bucket of soft balls(for my little sister(cousin) she plays fast pitch and slow pitch and my uncle is one of the coaches) so when im in this closet in the garage im movign stuff around and i acsidentally knock some stuff over and that suff had some old metal bats(about 4 or 5) on top of them and they all fell on my head,
this isnt the worst pain ive experinced but at the time it felt like it

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Rustin - Sep. 16, 2009

i have just found out that i will be getting my four wisdom ripped out of my gums and my bottom two canines will be getting pulled out of my gums and put in to place, i found out that they will be using these chains to slowly crank my molars out and pull my canines into place, i found out that this will be one of the worst possible pains i will experinence in my life, i will be knocked out but from what i heard from the people who have had this done before and the doctors the pain that i will feel after the surgery is done will be very high
wish me luck when i go and have this done

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - PatheticBarrel - Sep. 16, 2009

having peroxide poured straight onto a scrape on my arm... bit my other arm pretty hard during that. And having 465 degree(F) oil hit me in the eye 'bout three times.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Aqua - Sep. 19, 2009

Good luck Rustin, I heard that that can be really painful Pinching_eyes_2

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Mukilab1 - Sep. 19, 2009

(Sep. 02, 2009  9:41 AM)The_Lumberman Wrote: Either that or when I was about 7 playing Marco Polo. I was Marco and was seeking out my 2 younger sisters (5 and 3). They had hit behind a door planning to lure me in that direction so they could slam the door in my face (that's how we roll in my family). Unfortunately I had my arms stretched out wide in front of me. My finger was caught in the small opening of the door (where the hinges are) when my sisters proceeded the slam the door repetitively, crushing my finger in the process. They kept doing it because they weren't sure why the door wasn't closing.

Ouch that + the penicillin part must of been carp Unhappy my friend has had his fingers crushed like this 3 times last year. Nearly all year one part of his hand was broken, thumb, index finer and once pinky... all at school (though not in the same place).

Mine would probably trying out a backflip for my first time ever at the age of 8 from a rock ledge into a swimming pool. I successfully did the backflip but than didn't go far enough, cracked the bone in my chin on the ledge and shifted nearly all of my teeth, causing me to have really weak and badly aligned teeth nowadays. Although the worst part is probably going to cut myself on that huge scar every time i shave. (it had 10+ stitches...)

Oh btw i feel for you rustin... i had the same thing because of my swimming injury (above) and i had to get 6+ teeth removed although they were nearly all front row. Also was knocked out. They were like. count from 3. I said "3. 2. 1. Sorry, excuse my i can't feel anything". "Sick feeling in my throat", seriously, makes you want to puke than boom you're out Unhappy watch out for that feeling in your throat, you'll remember it for ages.
Also even if you are not in pain and feel fine STAY IN HOSPITAL for at least 7 hrs after surgery. I went back 2 hrs before i was supposed to because i was freaked out and felt fine. They took out the drip etc. I had nightmares for the rest of the week and couldn't sleep at all. Turned into a walking zombie.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - DranzerMS - Sep. 19, 2009

I dont even want to say mine !! lol too embarrasing XD

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Dirge - Sep. 19, 2009

physic pain racking my nadz doing a boardslide

emotionaly pain when i found out my ex cheated Uncertain

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Rustin - Sep. 23, 2009

(Sep. 19, 2009  3:46 PM)Aqua Wrote: Good luck Rustin, I heard that that can be really painful Pinching_eyes_2
thanks and my bad i meant to say my wisdom teeth o well it will still hurt
thnx mukilab the experince u had will make me feel a bit better since i know what to expect, ive had about 15 or was it 17 teeth pulled so far so before so i should be able to deal with the pain after words

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - - Sep. 23, 2009

Falling down a tiled staircase with a bunch of keys in my pocket at school, exhausted from gym and with a hurting back because of garage cleaning with dad the previous day.

I was also heartbroken at the time.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - ReallyRandomTJ - Sep. 23, 2009

Chocked_2 Ouch.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Mankster - Sep. 26, 2009

Having a reaction to a drug I was taking that gave me Shingles, Pancreatitus, and Enlarged Liver, and Glandular Fever all at the same time. The reason I was away for the past 2 months was because I was being treated for it in hospital...

I'm still quite sick and in pain, but the doctors said the pain I was in was comparable to giving birth. .__.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Zanzetsuken - Sep. 26, 2009

Holy carp on a carp sandwich! I hope ya get better soon Mankster.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Omega - Sep. 26, 2009

WHOA! I hope you get better soon Mankster!

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Resistance - Sep. 26, 2009

Ouch.. most of you have had really painfull experiences. My worst is only fracturing my foot.

RE: Worst pain you have ever experienced - Blading BenX - Oct. 05, 2009

i got hit in the head with a fire extinguisher and my head was bleeding badly. I had to go to the hospital and get a staple in my head. -