World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
General GFX Thread - Printable Version

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RE: General GFX Thread - Wolverine Mode - Jan. 08, 2012

(Jan. 08, 2012  2:18 AM)Blood Wrote: Effects are too much. the 4th and 5th sigs has text that's distracting. remove those. 3rd sig is way off to the right, and too much cluttered. 2nd sig is a bit good, however the text is distracting. 1st sig is a bit mono.
all of them doesnt have flow.

EDIT: BTW, I'm no Miku fan. I just used her as my render, cause of it's flow

Lol , I know. I was in a rush , I had to go to Hong Kong so I didn't had time.
Btw , the first and the second ones have flow.

RE: General GFX Thread - Xyo - Jan. 09, 2012

RE: General GFX Thread - Synth - Jan. 09, 2012

I like the vintage look, but the text is bad. the flow is good, however its a bit mono

RE: General GFX Thread - DynaZord - Jan. 09, 2012

'Sup guys.
I have a little something-something I would like to share to you all. If you don't like it, deal with it. I am taking all responsibilities and any harm (i.e. warnings and stuff) must go to me. If that doesn't give you a heads up about what is about to be written, click the spoiler.

Remember when? (Click to View)

I am aware I will receive flak for this post. If you don't like it, I accept your opinion. I accept all consequences that could follow. This is really just a really large thought I had one day.

RE: General GFX Thread - Ga' - Jan. 09, 2012

CRUelty and I have been discussing this for a bit, and I do agree. I remember when this (one of my older sigs) was considered 'cool':
Nowadays, it would be bashed to no end. If you want a GFX forum, then go ahead and join one. GFXers are now keeping the standards so high that newbies to the scene are trying to overachieve, messing up, and then getting bashed for doing so. This is practically why I silently backed out of GFX (except for the occasional background), because this whole elitist thing is driving me nuts.

tl;dr=Chill people. This is a beyblade forum, not a GFX forum. Leave it simple, meaningful, and positive. Let the new people assimilate, and go easy(er) on the criticism of signatures. Say what you like about it.

RE: General GFX Thread - Nano - Jan. 10, 2012

[Image: 7a8ea584.jpg]
I was rushed, and was in class. I think I can do better.

RE: General GFX Thread - Vintage - Jan. 10, 2012

(Jan. 09, 2012  11:28 PM)CRUelty Wrote: 'Sup guys.
I have a little something-something I would like to share to you all. If you don't like it, deal with it. I am taking all responsibilities and any harm (i.e. warnings and stuff) must go to me. If that doesn't give you a heads up about what is about to be written, click the spoiler.

Remember when? (Click to View)

I am aware I will receive flak for this post. If you don't like it, I accept your opinion. I accept all consequences that could follow. This is really just a really large thought I had one day.

I've highlighted everything that I don't exactly agree with and will confer what I feel needs to be pointed out.

This is not a GFX forum. This is a forum for Beyblades.
Just because this is a Beyblade forum, doesn't restrict it to be just the standard of the rest of the forum. This is the "Your Creations" section, and people have the right to post their creations and it shouldn't matter whether or not it's beyblade related.

And are now things that get bashed on for being 'too mono' or whatever, and nowadays graphics focus a lot more on the effects, and not how the sig should feel. GFX needs meaning, otherwise it's just another rectangle.

Not everybody is gonna like what someone posts, there will always be a different opinion. There is a difference between bashing and criticizing. Actually, I think that people think that criticisms are only negative, when really, a criticism is an evaluation one gives. "Too mono" is actually quite a good heads up. If someone tells you that your signature is mono, it's probably because it is, and having a signature that's "too mono" simply means that there's not enough colour and vibe going on, and has nothing to do with the amount of effects.
Effects have always had a very important role in graphics, and that will probably remain like that forever. What it conveys is important, but even if you've created something meaningful, and it's not appealing, people won't be able to understand it, therefore, not like it. Here's how I think of tags, effects are the hook that reel people in, and the emotion is what gets people to recognize the work that was put in. Even if if looks like it's just effects, you have to actually look closely, and not just seeing it, then creating an opinion. When I look at signatures, I look at the amount of work put in. Why? Because if it has a lot of work put in, then it must have the feelings involved of the person who made it.

I don't see half of the signatures I see posted in the GFX thread as real GFX, but flashy rectangles with a ton of effects and random pictures and intricate images.
You may be looking for the wrong things. When you're looking at a tag, don't just look at things like moods, emotions, feelings, stories. Look at the signature, look at how everything is brought together, then think about how much work this person has put into their work. To you, it may just be a bunch of random objects stuck together, but to that person, it's a collage filled with HIS/HER emotions, hard work, feelings. The signature itself can represent how they were feeling. If you add all of this up, you've got a story of how that signature was created. It's not always about how the signature looks to be about it's meaning, but the signature itself. That's why, when I see a signature that just looks like a background an image, I can't connect, and I can't see what kind of work was put into it, it's just too little for me.

If you want this place to be so much like a GFX forum and just love the way they work, why bother ever using the WBO? I rarely see any of 'you' (again, you know who you are) make a legit beyblade-related post, but instead, instead of giving any praise (I understand the criticism you guys give, but ever think about, oh, I don't know, saying what you LIKE about the tag?)

I'm not sure if you know this or not, but the only beyblade related posts I have were from last year, and there was only about 2 or 3 of them. If it's a matter of what people like and what people don't like, I would rather hear what they don't like. That way, I know the points I can improve on. Also, I don't go to this site for beyblade anymore. The only reason I'm hear is because I quite enjoy this little section and community. If all people ever heard was what people liked about them, they would just fill up with only that. It would be like only working out my right arm because it's my more dominant arm. I think it's important that everybody know this, if you only work on what you're good at, then your faults become stronger and more obvious.

**The reason I'm posting this is because I feel somewhat responsible for the change that happened here because I've seen how signatures looked before and after my arrival, with all the sudden sprouts of photoshopping and use of other programs.

**I also want to make a thread explaining these signatures, or their actual name, tags.

RE: General GFX Thread - Xyo - Jan. 10, 2012

I agree it think GFX needs more meaning such as emotional paintings and digi painting with something more simple but its not just painting but a lot more graphics should be like this : [Image: Pensive.png] this was made by EvilAngel of a forums i go too its not using any effects at all but the person who made this added more to the render correct me if im wrong but the tage EA makes are very unique unlike today where its basically a game render on a background with fractals and C4D's but sadly i find it very hard to do something like EA's work, sorry if im talking to much about her and on the criticism i agree as well why not Comment and Criticize rather then just criticize? maybe it's because some are jealous of someone works and just points out the bad like what i did before and the user who made the tag agrees on what they say because they are to shy to say otherwise and i think we need to post tags like EA's tag that's adding things to the render and making them unique and hard for anyone to copy. I think we should try making more abstract tags or more related to the art paintings in a museum.

RE: General GFX Thread - Synth - Jan. 10, 2012

TBH, I NEVER tell myself i'm the best. I actually jealous of Ga's expertise on BG's, BP's vector/C4D's sig, and a lot of others.

Even though this is a Beyblade forum, Is there a problem about talking about GFX in this forum?

RE: General GFX Thread - Xlr8 - Jan. 10, 2012

well i completely agree with CRUelty and galoone and the questions they raised it is correct that it is a beyblade forum and we should respect it wat it is but as DBFiction said that it is a ur creations thread so we have no restrictions. CRu just think for a second that if it was considered wrong why hasn't KAI-V taken any action she is a gfxer to and i think she feels fine with it. yes i would agree that we r posting here like it is a gfx forum but people do believe me it is not it is just a thread which promotes gfxing many gfxers like beyboost, nano and many others joined gfxing because of this thread and i too started gfxing after coming on wbo. yes but i would agree that amateur and new gfxers does create such sigs which r totally sucking and carp so seeing them many people give very harsh comments and as Xyo said that it is more like criticize rather than comment and criticize mates just think if we have achieved a level in gfxing we should help others to get them at our level by giving them good, helpful and happy criticizes so that rather than feeling and abusing the criticizer they feel happy and do improve in their work and for this u should point out some faults in their tag and some good things in their tag so that they don't feel bad. everyone gfxer think that i m a great gfxer at a level but it is not like that if u want to be a good and great gfxer create such pieces that have emotions and meaning in them and which inspire others and we should be proud of WBO that it is giving us a platform to share our gfx pieces and inspiring others in to gfxing

RE: General GFX Thread - Synth - Jan. 10, 2012

SPEAKING OF NANO, the light effect is too bright, lower it down. two focal points are never good, and Do a bit better with the effects,


RE: General GFX Thread - Xyo - Jan. 10, 2012

(Jan. 10, 2012  1:37 AM)Nano Wrote: [Image: 7a8ea584.jpg]
I was rushed, and was in class. I think I can do better.
try getting hq stocks but the flow is ok but the color is a bit mono try changing the color of the render by click adjustments and hue saturation clipping mask it and lower the opacity and erase some parts

RE: General GFX Thread - Whatzzer - Jan. 10, 2012

[Image: kolej.png]
Did this coz I was bored. my first tag after I quitted. Kolej in Malay = College.

RE: General GFX Thread - JCx06 - Jan. 10, 2012

Loving the glowing stuff
there's a hard edge on the text tho

RE: General GFX Thread - Whatzzer - Jan. 10, 2012

It was an admission to be inside one the graphics club in my school? Glowy stuffs:- particularly a new style I made accidentally.

RE: General GFX Thread - JCx06 - Jan. 10, 2012

Love it. GrinD
Let me guess: pen tool?
Oh, and what font is the text at the botttom?

RE: General GFX Thread - Whatzzer - Jan. 10, 2012

(Jan. 10, 2012  2:13 PM)JCx06 Wrote: Love it. GrinD
Let me guess: pen tool?
Oh, and what font is the text at the botttom?

yessssshhhhhh.I believe that is Digital 01.CnC's guise.EDIT:-You may realized the render is a bit LQ.If so, blame wikipedia for that lol.anyone wants to comment on my new style?

RE: General GFX Thread - SyTric XZ - Jan. 10, 2012

CnC On These please?

All are Made For Sig Requests Except The Naruto One

CnC's ?

RE: General GFX Thread - Synth - Jan. 10, 2012

try not to expand renders. the effects are OK, however the soccer dude is really stretched. the sigs are dark, so fix that


RE: General GFX Thread - JCx06 - Jan. 10, 2012

Text is not distracting and out of place.

RE: General GFX Thread - Ga' - Jan. 10, 2012

BeyBoost, the XWailingX signature, no offense, is literally just a stretched picture of Fubuki Shirou (in Atsuya form) shooting Eternal Blizzard on a blue background with wire frames and misplaced text. No offense, but that could really use some work. Try blending the sig as a whole more.

RE: General GFX Thread - Nano - Jan. 11, 2012

(Jan. 10, 2012  12:49 PM)Blood Wrote: SPEAKING OF NANO, the light effect is too bright, lower it down. two focal points are never good, and Do a bit better with the effects,


I used a color doge on one layer, maybe that's why it's too bright.
Like I said, I was in class and was suppose to be making a game, but had a little time for a quick Photoshop. I still need to get used to the style.
Any suggestions for the effects?

And thanks Joyful_2

(Jan. 10, 2012  12:32 PM)Xlr8 Wrote: yes i would agree that we r posting here like it is a gfx forum but people do believe me it is not it is just a thread which promotes gfxing many gfxers like beyboost, nano and many others joined gfxing because of this thread and i too started gfxing after coming on wbo.

For the record, I started before this thread was made.

RE: General GFX Thread - Ga' - Jan. 11, 2012

Well played, Nano.

I too, started GFX before this thread. I see where DBFiction is coming from (I liked Vintage...), but I still stand by my opinion.

RE: General GFX Thread - Nano - Jan. 11, 2012

(Jan. 11, 2012  1:44 AM)GaHooleone Wrote: Well played, Nano.

I was gonna post it eventually...

I tricked a few friends with it. Ah, the joys of Photoshop Tongue_out_wink

RE: General GFX Thread - Xlr8 - Jan. 11, 2012

(Jan. 10, 2012  5:00 AM)DBFiction Wrote: **The reason I'm posting this is because I feel somewhat responsible for the change that happened here because I've seen how signatures looked before and after my arrival, with all the sudden sprouts of photoshopping and use of other programs.

**I also want to make a thread explaining these signatures, or their actual name, tags.

FTW u r vintage!! checked ur history and then got to know ur vintage i thought u left wbo. well let off topic die and i agree ur responsiple for these changes also fyuoor was too u both were inspiring and after seeing ur tags i started using c4ds,