hey im l drago user aka jd beard

Poll: what do you think of me from my bio or this thread?

sound cool
sound lame
wont know till i talk to you
acceept your challenge
would like to be your friend
i think we will be fierce rivals
Total: 100% 11 vote(s)
so anyone whos seen my bio what do you think about me and if you are exceptin my challenge then lets arrange a time and place and let me know which challenge you accept i know this is a beblade site but alot of people might play bakugan or yugioh as well or even magic the gathering so again if you play any of these are in my area and have guts enough to accept my challenge my adress is in my bio and im ready to go anytime you are i never turn down a challenge
Hi And Welcome to the WBO
I Hpoe you have a good time Smile

From StormPegy
Welcome to the WBO.
Welcome to the WBO! Grin
thanks for the welcome although i do have to tell vongola-hibari that when i saw his post my first thought was an awkward ok but thank you storm pegy im glad you think im cool and again if anyone wants to accept my challenge i still havent tested myself so i still need plenty of challengers also let me know when and where the next tourny is in my area i would like to participate
im gonna vote on my own pole here but my votes aply to other people not myself so this is my thoughts about everyone
Welcome! Ha... ha... ha... using the same poll is a gud though confusing idea!!! Its like using the same paper to write 2 completely opposite things to save paper... Stupid Stupid