Want to use RBVLs competitively?

Now,we all know how much the light wheel Beyblades suck.

But,there is a way to (sort of) use them without compromising their design too much.

First,let's take a look at the Mad Light Wheel (famously available on Mad Cancer).


Note it's shape,and that it's made out of plastic.

Now,take a look at the Dark Wheel (available on both Dark Wolf and Dark Bull).


Looks pretty similar,doesn't it?

After looking at these and a few others,I think I've caught on.

The light wheels use similar (if not the same) designs as the Metal wheels,the only difference being the material.

Therefore,I have compiled a list of which Metal Wheel is needed to turn each rare Beyblade in the light Booster into a blade that is able to compete against other MFBs.

Mad Cancer + Dark Wheel = Dark Cancer

Wind Aquario + Storm Wheel = Storm Aquario

Clay Aries + Rock Wheel = Rock Aries

Seriously.Even the names should have been a dead giveaway.



I REALLY hope that this is what Hasbro does with these Blades when they come over here instead of Light Wheels.

I really do.

If this is old information,please disregard this topic,I was just trying to help people find a use for the Light Boosters.
It's very very old information ... lol
I didn't know that.I apologize.
Also, the Heat Light wheel doesn't have a Metal Wheel Variant.