WBO @ MCM Expo October 24th-25th


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One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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Well I think most of you know this is happening but because I'm rubbish I never really totally comnfirmed anything, except maybe to some of the guys I was chatting with at Regents Rumble. Anyways, this is definitely on. Sorry for the wait.

Basically, this time around we won't be having a fullscale tourney. If you want to compete between yourselves I can draw up a few RR grids while we're there but we won't be having a large tourney like last time. It'll be mainly freebattles and then for newbies, demos, explanations, etc. We need to make people feel welcome, chat to them and battle with them, etc. Grin

Then, probably on the Saturday 3 weeks after the tourney, we'll have a tournament at Regents Park. Hopefully, we'll have got some new people interested at the Expo and might get a bigger turn out for this time around, but even if we don't then it'll still be nice to see everyone again and get some battles in. Can anyone who's interested PM or post here whether they can make that date? It'd be the 14th November. Also, any suggestions for tourney names and such are welcome. XD

If you have restrictions and think you'll only be able to make one event then I'd suggest trying to make the tourney. However, I still want to see as many people as possible at the Expo because we'll have loads of fun and battles there too and I need you guys to help spread the Beyword. Wink

Useful links:
http://www.londonexpo.com - For all your Expo queries.
http://www.tfl.gov.uk - Essential travel stuffs.
Any other questions, post here or PM me. Please, please make sure you know how you're getting there, travelling around London can be tricky, especially when random tube lines are closed sporadically. Pinching_eyes_2 So it's best to know exactly what you're doing and have a back up plan. My number is 07504988874, call or text if you're running late/lost.


This is the attendance list so far, question marks next to those who I'm not totally sure about or who said they were coming but didn't specify a day. I kinda assumed people were coming on the Staurday as that's normally the busiest day but I could be wrong so if you're coming on the Sunday or even both days then let me know!

Lee Draciel
Zander Soulwind
brazman (?)
drigers (?)
Clara6661 (?)
Clara6661's cousin (?)
revertedtozero's friends (?)
x_chaos riot
Cyber Kerberous


Lee Draciel

(4 ^^Wink

And can we try not to spam up this thread too much? I know you guys are pretty chatty and that can't be helped but I don't want people to have to sift through pages of meaningless chatter to find out what's happening. Pinching_eyes_2

Need-to-Know Information

1. During Registration, Open Your Account Page

Open your account page on your mobile device (if possible) during registration to help us keep things quick.

2. Arrive On Time

You must arrive by the tournament start time to enter. We cannot add new players to an event once it begins. If you're running late, contact the host.

3. Stay Aware of Your Belongings

We do everything possible to ensure a safe environment, but can't be held responsible for lost or stolen goods. Keep your gear close by!

4. The Tournament Will Last At Least a Few Hours

This event is likely to last at least a few hours. If you can't commit to the entire tournament, you're welcome to come watch and play for fun instead!

5. Listen For Your Username To Be Called

Your name will be called when it's time for your next battle. If you need to leave early or take a break, tell a judge. Missing a match could mean disqualification!

6. Players Must Meet Regional Product Age Restrictions

All players in this event must meet the age restrictions on Beyblade products in their region. TAKARA-TOMY recommends Beyblade for ages 6+. Hasbro recommends Beyblade for ages 8+. Players under these ages may only participate with the permission of their parent/guardian.

7. Players Under 18 Must Be Accompanied by a Parent/Guardian

If you are under 18 years old, a parent/guardian must accompany you and be present for the duration of the event.

8. Contests, Raffles, Gambling, Betting, and Selling Are Prohibited

Advertising the sale of any product or service, as well as posting about any contest, raffle, gambling, or betting on this event page and conducting them at the event without approval by Fighting Spirits Inc. staff is prohibited. Please contact the Organized Play team if you require approval.

9. Terms of Service

All event attendees and users of this website are subject to our Terms of Service.

Well, I think most know how my day went. Lmao.
(Oct. 24, 2009  8:52 PM)cutewolfsam Wrote: MCM expoguys was awesome BBGoldflame glad to see you and i could tell you were so hyped seeing us all lol ellz wish you was there btw guys you know my bro form may he's coming tomoz on sunday.

It was good to see you too! Yes I was hyped. Lolz. Sorry if I seemed a bit overexcited. It's just that this was my first time Blading against other people in years and meeting the guys who I've chatted to a lot on here in person. I also met Espio, who lives near me and used to go the college I attend until recently (and whose sister is in my English Language A2 class lolz). I hope one day we can meet up and battle now that I have some MFBs.

It was cool to finally learn some stuff about MFBs and your advice, cutewolfsam, helped me - especially regarding my launch technique. Thank you to Blitz and Rocky too for showing me the ropes about customising the Metal Fight Beyblades and about what parts to use to create good Stamina, Defence and Attack types. I really enjoyed the experience and this was the first WBO event I have attended so thank you all for making it so worthwhile! I'd definitely come again. I have learnt so much and now I look forward to trying out the other MFBs I have bought from Heart when they arrive. (Shame he couldn't come!)

theflightyellz: It's a shame I didn't get to meet you as well but hopefully I will at some point in future. ^^ Regarding your comments about MFB battles, my friend (who I talked about on here, got back into Beyblade and thoroughly enjoyed this event!) used my mobile phone and videoed me battling somebody with the MFBs I bought from Blitz (you had really good prices so I'm glad I got some blades from you). I'll download what was filmed when I can and put it up on Youtube.
Yeah neek i'm sorry about your blades getting nicked they should all be shot but you can do that or should i anyways bbgoldflame i'm glad you liked the new generation along with your friend also i will PM you about the beys you should get.
Well sold most of my stuff today, got a lot of money, holiday for me now lol. Today went quite well, like Lee said we actually attracted a lot of people, even though we were at the back. I didn't lose to much today just a few crappy plastics, cause I decided to be strict with what I lend now. It was cool meeting new people and hanging out with the usual Tongue_out
Oh no! Poor Neeek. Oh dear. That's awful. I hope you find a way to get some back or replace them. Real Beybladers don't steal; they lend or borrow and return anything that belongs to someone else. At least that's what most of us here would do.

cutewolfsam: Yes, my friend absolutely loved it and I'm glad she had a go at battling. She was the one who found the event stand in the first place (we took ages searching for it - nobody knew where it was nor if it was on! Even the staff and officials. We thought at one point about giving up but it was by pure luck we discovered the location on our last search). She has even offered to bring her portable stadium into college after half term so we can battle (woot!), saying I should have told her earlier that I liked Beyblade. I'm looking forward to your PM and advice (I'm even more taken by MFBs thanks to this event than before).

Blitz: It was good to meet you and thanks again for the MFBs you sold me. I have wanted a Pegasis for ages! The Stamina type blade I got from you is good too because I now have something to pit against the Pegasis when I practice.
(Oct. 24, 2009  9:41 PM)Neeek Wrote: Well, I think most know how my day went. Lmao.

I didn't see you. I was too busy talking to people about runescape.

Please be going tomorrow. Q.Q
(Oct. 24, 2009  9:41 PM)Neeek Wrote: Well, I think most know how my day went. Lmao.
That really sucks, what did they take!? Was it an entire collection, or just a couple?
bbgoldflame: Well as I said on the last page, we'll be having a tournament at a meet up in November, it'll most likely be on a Saturday.
Hopefully you can make it down, possibly arrange some way of getting to London with Espio?
it was a fair amount rocky made a list of all his stuff that got nicked, was pretty long
Oh man. That sounds bad. I'm sorry so many Beyblades were stolen like that. I guess some people are just too selfish and greedy to buy their own.

theflightyellz:The November tournament sounds good. I'm assuming it's all MFB? I may or may not be able to go but I'll let you guys know nearer the time although it's unlikely I will (since my family might have something on). However, thanks for your suggestion. I might consider contacting Espio about going to London with him should I be able to come.
I HATE people, I honestly do Tired
it sux coz up until that point it had all been pretty good with ppls stuff then that
Yes, it DOES suck that happened. I totally agree. It better not happen again tomorrow! I'm not going then but I wish you luck. Although people could have accidentally gone off with blades in their hands or picked them up/put them away unintentionally, it's a lot more likely they stole them. Perhaps you could somehow monitor who has what.
Other than GPS tracking, it's just something that happens.
The best thing you can do is keep a close eye on everything you have, and don't lend out anything that you don't mind going missing :\
Also as I've said before, put your initials on launchers and ripcords, or do something to them to make them more distinguishable so people don't pick them up by accident.
I had 12 ... Now I have six. Half aren't even the origional parts. They took a shooter and beygrip too D; I'd just like to say thanks to Zero, Rocky and Blitz for being so helpful. Smile
Unhappy its a shame people have no lifes and have to steal

yay i met bbgoldflame xD

Pikachao where were you >_______>
Ughh, Neeek, I'm so sorry that happened dude ...

Awesome to hear most of you had a good time. ^^
I cannot be botherd re-building my collection and spending loads of money to see them get stolen. Uncertain I trust people to much. I'll start to buy again when BMF is released in the UK.
I'm so sorry to hear you had stuff taken from you. It's really unfortunate. Unhappy

Guys be very hesitant to whom you lend stuff to, and make sure to have all your equipment on your person at all times. A backpack is very useful.
so sorry neek,
a lot of us tried to inform passers by that they were peoples blades, not free gifts.
Some people wanted them to play with them: One guy went "which one can I use?" and his mate pointed straight at my blade. I was like " thats my blade, by the way" and they just walked off. Lol

A great day overall, I kept my kit very close to me at all times, got quite wary at one point though. Its just a shame people see a glinting MFB and slip it into their pocket. They may not even know how to use them, but they keep them as a souvenir. Bstds

I met a lot of new faces, came mates with this sixth former who had the Dranzer V2 Rc launcher and a vortex ape. Met a few people from the community; Blitz, CWsam, Zero... Also great to show people how to play the game, where to get blades etc.

btw Rocky, I was that blonde kid who bought Jiraiya MS. It was kinda awkward trying 2 say hi though lol
I do not remember seeing you :\ What were you wearing?
Blue Adidas top
grey hoody
tracksuit bottoms
chelsea-blue string bag

came at about 1:00
Dont remember seeing you, but there always next time Tongue_out

Are you in the video?

also people can view a live stream of the expo at www.londonexpo.com

But, you ccant see the beyblade tourney on it, were at the back...and i think that webcams facing west.
Guessing i'm the first one back fromt he expo lol i went with my brother out of the two days i bought Aries-£35 Bull-£5 and Aquario-£5 the battles today were awesome not many WBO mebers turned up i think it was only me, Leedraciel, Blitz, Rocky, BeyukEspio but loads of people playe aswell i i heard them alsay or most of them going ' are i remeber these they're beyblades' and then people in groups with the person going saying what i stated before going rrrrrrrrrr sick' it was kinda halerious, Lee draciel and rocky have bothe taken pics but not videos sorry guys.
Hard lesson learned, you have to be incredibly vigilant of your stuff at these things. If I can't see it, I make sure someone I trust can.
(Oct. 24, 2009  10:43 PM)Ash Wrote: Unhappy its a shame people have no lifes and have to steal

yay i met bbgoldflame xD

Pikachao where were you >_______>

I turned up a few times but, first day I had tons of things to do (pictures with cosplayers, people wanted a picture with me in my cosplay, playing left 4 dead 2 and other games, buying pocky etc. etc. and when I turned up a few times but not too many people were there.

Second day I was stewarding for the first 5 hours (I turned up a couple of times but it seemed there was barely anyone there except randomers from expo)

Rocky and that can vouch for me being there, but in May I will make sure to dedicate an entire day to WBO like I did at this year's May expo.