[Puerto Rico] Team Puerto Rico!!!

Hey bladers. So some of you may be asking yourselves : Why is he making another team after a post of team "prevailing desteny"? Well lets say aperently i didint have wat it takes to be in that team. So i started to start one my own of were i am from. I am from Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico is this small island next to america. And i have won many tournaments here.

Im looking for bladers from Puerto Rico. To start an oficial team for our island Puerto Rico. Any bladers from Puerto Rico can join. If you are from Puerto Rico inform me. When the first too members join ill be making the signatre. If you wish to join inform me.

Team Rules and pointers: Make shure if you are fit with your desition if you wish to join. Attend team posts threads ext. Act happy win or lose. If you dont have anything nice to say and have the desire to insult any methods dont say anything at all. If you have something to say or confess please tell. If you have any ideas please confess.
I want the wwhole world to notice Puerto Rico. I want Puerto Rico be part of the big action too. So look out world here we come..
I am from Puerto Rico and i am PROUD!