[Product]  BB-47 Earth Aquila 145WD

Hmm... This Beyblade is Beatifull.Very Beatifull
(Aug. 31, 2009  3:23 PM)Bey Brad Wrote: ummm, all the hybrid faces are?

Oops, I am stupid
WD looks really bizarre Chocked_2
Whoa, it's really wide Chocked (and yes, I know the bottom is called Wide Defense)
Animators and their knack of obscuring parts ... ;[

But yes, I'm really loving the Face and Clear Wheel colours; Metal Wheel looks interesting too.
Awesomeness love the colours.(pretty)
this is going to be the most interesting release for the rest of the year
Not Burn Phoenix?
I'm more interested in a metal version of the heat wheel than I am in this.
(Sep. 06, 2009  8:00 PM)theflightyellz Wrote: Not Burn Phoenix?

i don't really know much about it tbh
WD is really wide! Gasp

The face looks preety cool.
Obviously...that's why it's called WIDE Defense...

I hope WD is better than D/SD
(Sep. 07, 2009  4:36 PM)FelGrand Wrote: Obviously...that's why it's called WIDE Defense...

Obviously, he probably meant that it is much wider than expected.
Awesome I have to get this the day it comes out Wide Defense looks wierd
Slits on the bottom to let air flow in?
I was just literally watching the episode and uploading pics as well ~

Except, I didn't see that frame with those gaps in the Bottom while skimming. Wow.
I have no idea about the holes. Should be neat either way.
hmm, the holes in the bottom are interesting. Reminds me of the Draciel BBs.

I wonder what they're actually for...
I'm about 95% confident in saying the holes are there so you can be sure the bottom is clicked in.

Look at regular bottoms, they have a spot where you can see that the nubs on the track have locked in. with how wide WD is, there aren't spots for that, so there are holes in the tip to show you that its locked in properly.

Or I could be completely wrong and they have a different purpose.
I just saw flame libra's avatar : there are quite a few pictures of Earth Aquila, Flame Libra and the Angle Compass on Beyblade Colosseum.
I kind of liked what I saw of WD.

I think it'll become a useful bottom actually.
Everybody knows what BB-47, BB-48 and BB-49 look like, but I am posting the official pictures anyway :
I like the whole beyblade Pinching_eyes_2 Earth Aquila is awesome.