Hey whats up

Hello to all bladers out there lol

Good to meet you all. If your wondering my name is James and i am currently 18 and at college lol. I live in the Uk and i am not far from london.

Well anyways i have been a beyblader since i was about 12 when the first Hasbro tops were released. I am currently in the process of recovering my old ones which are somewhere XD i have managed to find so far my:

HMS Strata Dragoon
Draciel G
Driger G
Strata Dragoon
R/C Dranzer

Well anyway with the release of Metal Fight Beyblade i have finally come of beyblading retirement since 2005. Well anyway i have really gotten into the new anime and i have got Storm Pegasis 105RF and Flame Libra T145ES coming in the mail. Hopefully soon i will order Rock Leone and also Earth Aquila 145WD.

I am also a very big Naruto fan lol so if anyone here is then we may get on really well lol. Well anyway hopefully if the WBO organise some tournaments in the summer then i will attend since i have been desperate to go up against other bladers for a long time Tongue_out_wink

Well thats all i can think of for now lol

C ya later

James/ Dranzerblaze828
welcome to the forums!
i came back after mfbs came too XD
Same! Welcome to the WBO James!
(Mar. 11, 2010  5:05 PM)BladerAce17 Wrote: Same! Welcome to the WBO James!

Thanks for the welcome to the forums Wink
Welcome to the forums.

As a UK member living near London, you'll be really pleased to hear that we regularly hold tournaments in London. Hope to see you!
Welcome it is always nice to have new UK members.
Welcome to wbo! Smile