Aquafina is actually a Drug.

Hm.. Yeah ey'. Re-introductions are fun are'nt they..?
I somewhat remained absent from this forum for.. Say, 8 months maybe more..? I did'nt even really lurk around, I just have alot on my plate lately. Nice though to see the forum still exists in one piece from what I can see anyway.

And of course i'm sure there's alot of nubs on here that don't know me, also alot of people that forgot who I am. So.. Yeah, if the name "Rex" rings a bell, feel free to jog my memory of who you are incase I myself forgot. kgreatbye.
Welcome back Smile
You probably could have posted this in the Going Away/Coming Back topic, but if you've been away for 8 months, I suppose this is okay.

Glad to have you back! Hope you stick around longer this time around. Smile
(Nov. 15, 2008  11:55 AM)darkbladerx200 Wrote: welcome back!!
Seems like everyone knows you already, I feel so left out. ;_;
Nevertheless, welcome back! Wink
Welcome back!
Welcome back, dude.
WB dude.
Rex for mod!
lol remember that at otc? Tongue_out

Good to see you back!