World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
Toronto Beyblade Burst Tournament Report: BEYBLADE NORTH 2017 - Printable Version

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Toronto Beyblade Burst Tournament Report: BEYBLADE NORTH 2017 - Kei - Jun. 02, 2017

[Image: 5TGATRc.png]


May 26-28, 2017 at Anime North in Toronto, Ontario Canada


I don’t know if I have it in me to write three full tournament reports for what was an absolutely jam-packed, amazing whirlwind of a weekend … haha. So, I’ve decided to do a visual report for now with photos and footage from the entire weekend! Still forthcoming is the Friday - Team Burst Format event video.

You can find the winning combinations from all three events here.

If anyone has any photos or video of their own from this weekend, I encourage you to post them here for everyone to see!

I was so happy to see such a diverse mix of experienced players, players from outside Canada, and brand new faces as well. Thank you all so much for coming and supporting the WBO. Hanging out, playing with, and meeting you all makes it all worth it in the end.

And huge thank you to everyone who helped to make these events possible and run as smoothly as they did: @[Kai-V], @[~Mana~], @[JesseObre], @[1234beyblade], @[Mitsu], @[Manicben], @[Cake], @[Wombat], @[Dark_Mousy], @[LMAO], to Anime North, and to Hasbro for their incredibly generous prizing support.

Challonge Brackets

Friday - Team Burst Format

[Image: RFFZ4xC.jpg]

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Saturday - Burst Format

[Image: Om5rqoS.jpg]

[Image: enQyPao.jpg]

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Deck Format Finals:
[Image: 9UuPxLN.jpg]

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Sunday - Metal Fight Limited Format
[Image: GeAQZ8N.jpg]

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Deck Format Finals
Photos courtesy Wombat

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All Weekend - Giveaway Winners
Photos courtesy JesseObre & Hato
[Image: SFEh3LW.jpg]

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Thanks for reading! If you have any questions about this event, please feel free to post below!

More Toronto Beyblade Tournament Reports
If you enjoyed this report, then you may also enjoy some of my other Toronto Beyblade Burst tournament reports:

RE: Toronto Beyblade Burst Tournament Report: BEYBLADE NORTH 2017 - JesseObre - Jun. 03, 2017

Hey guys, I should've posted about this a while back, but now that I have the time now to do so, I'll go through my experience at Anime North 2017!

So I woke up 7 A.M on Friday morning, went to the gym, then later around 12PM went to @[Kei] house to bring all the prizes, and equipment over to the Congress Centre. Also thanks to @[Mitsu] and @[1234beyblade] for helping us out with "JesseUbering" there.

We arrived around 12:30 PM and had to wait a couple of hours for our hotel rooms and Staff passes. Skip ahead we met up with @[Kai-V] around 3PM, dropped off our items, and proceeded to start setting up. We started up set up a little late, but were able to do a good job with the time we had. 

Friday Night: Team Format
[spoiler]So as #TeamDaybreakers were undefeated in team format, we had issues finding our third member. @
wasn't able to show up, so thankfully @[Naru Blader] was able to join our team and contribute.

Also we had a surprise visit from the UK squad. @[Manicben] @[ClaraM] and new faces such as @[Mana] and @[BasedSamuraiJ] and his girlfriend really made the event more competitive and better. 

In total we had 8 teams, so we split them up into two blocks, and the top team would make it for the finals.

Our first matchup was Stardust Crusaders! 

The order was me first, Naru second, and Kei third in Round 1

Round 1: JesseObre vs @[Jamie]

Wasn't sure what he would do, so I opted to go DFSR since it was the safest bet. I was lucky and gave our team a lead of 3-0 

@[Naru Blader] vs @[YOH001]

Close matchup as this was Naru's first ever team matchup. Luckily he held through with 3-2

@[Kei] vs @[Momentai1991]

Kei handled his business and finished off 3-0 making us 9-2

Round 1 for Team Daybreakers

Our second matchup was team AustinKnights!

Round 1: Naru Blader vs @[CookieLonginus]
Naru Blader did his best choice and swept 3-0 with smartly going DF again haha

Kei vs @[ExtremeBlader3]

Kei also handled business and went 3-1

I could finish off winning, but nope. I sucked lol  >_<

JesseObre vs @[TrainiacJ]

I lost using Lost Longinus 0-3. Yet we still won with the score 6-4

We had to face the hardest competition yet in our block, going against Team GT

Round 3: Naru Blader vs @[Dark_Mousy]

Surprised by their first round choice, Naru was at a disadvantage. Luckily he gave us a chance by losing 1-3

Kei vs @[Wombat]

Kei coming clutch again helped out with winning 3-1 and tying it up 4-4, leaving it up to me to win us this match

JesseObre vs @[Cake]

I was very unsure on what to use, but I changed it up and went BRSA winning 3-1

Team Daybreakers go 3-0 in our block beating GT 7-5

Finals: Team Daybreakers vs BigBoss Bladers

Coming back @[LMAO] and @[The Sponge] were tearing it up with new blader @[Antonio1105]

Naru Blader vs Antonio1105

Naru came clutch in this round knowing he had the upper hand. Naru won 3-1 giving us a 2 point lead

SO after that matchup the convention area actually closed so we had to finish the tournament at the International Plaza. Crazy right!

Kei vs LMAO

Perfect matchup we had, but LMAO caught us by surprised and used DFPY. LMAO won 3-1 making things all tied at 4-4

JesseObre vs The Sponge

Everything was on the line on me and for our team, as if we lost, we wouldn't 3-peat. With all the pressure I went
with BRSR and he used DFPY

the odds were stacked against me as he taken it 2-0. It looked hopeless for me, but soon, the comeback came to fruition. I had out spun him twice and had tied it up. This was for the win as I noticed The Sponge was near a pocket. It was the riskiest thing I had ever thought of doing but i hard launched for the KO. I got one good hit, and with that knocked him out, completing the upset and cmeback making us 3-Time team format winners! 

Team DayBreakers win! 7-6

As we wrapped things up, we brought things back up to our hotel rooms, then went down for Boston Pizza where @[Mana] almost died getting 4 refills, and almost all of us buying Pizza Burgers. YUMMM[spoiler]

Saturday: Burst Format

[spoiler]I woke up very early around 6:45 AM. For some reason I couldn't go back to sleep but Kei and Kai-V were dead asleep. So I decided to take a shower, then roam and find the hotel gym, to do an early workout. I come back and they are still asleep, and they wake up 20 minutes later. I go make a run to Tim Hortons and get them some food. We later clean our revolves and head on out to set up.

Saturday was "chaos"tic as we had over 40 players which was awesome.

Also, Anime North gave us a huge bin of prizes, and we used that to advertise people in for our free giveaway, so shoutout to ANIME NORTH for that!

I was tired, but determined to come top 3 on Saturday.

Match 1: JesseObre vs Ardmore Bladers
Able to get a good win 3-0
Match 2: JesseObre vs TraniacJ
After Traniac beating me before I couldn't let him beat me again. I won, score unknown  :|

Match 3: JesseObre vs @[Tempest546]
After seeing Tempest use DF the last round I guessed he'd go for it again so I went with NSR winning 3-0

Match 4: JesseObre vs @[Mitsu]
Contemplating, i decided to go NSR again as I had the stronger launch and it would have a chance against DF.
I won 3-0

Match 5: JesseObre vs @[Kei]
Well, this sucks. Facing my captain i lost 1-3 but it was a good match.

Match 6: JesseObre vs @[Wombat]
I swear, it loves putting me against great players!  >.< I lost and was 4-2. But i was placed way higher due to me playing high rank players.

Finals: JesseObre vs @[BasedSamuraiJ]
In my opinion, this loss has crushed me. I feel under pressure and was up 3-1 or 4-1 (I don't remember).
In the end it was a DF Atomic battle and came to the last straw. I lost 4-5 with BasedSamuraiJ moving on.
Overall, great comeback, but pressure got to me, i was shaking, and I choked under pressure. I was knocked out.

Thankfully, Kei had avenged me and came 1st Place! Making that 2 Days of him coming first! Congrats!

1st: Kei
2nd: Wombat
3rd: Mitsu.

We packed up then went on down to a buffet and we all got fat with bloated stomachs. I was dying, as I had 3 plates and a dessert with 3 drinks. Thankfully though, they didn't give too much refills to @[Mana] this time hahaha >_<. We later went to the Sheraton Hotel to check out the gaming rooms then me, Mana, and Wombat checked out Korean Anime, and it was hilarious and soooo bootleg! If they see this, they'll reply on how jokes it was. I later went up to my room, and Kei tells me that @[Lani] and @[Cadney] wanted to hang out. So we talked and called it a night and I came back into the hotel room around 4 A.M.[spoiler]

SUNDAY: Limited Format

[spoiler]I woke up with my voice gone and a couple of hours of sleep. We packed up, and left our hotel room, went to put stuff in Kai-V's car, then went to our booth. @[Cake] was there early, and kindly helped me set up. Thanks Cake!

We soon began and was ready to end the day.

Match 1: JesseObre vs Tempest546
Again matched up. Tempest was more of a burst player so I had upper hand using Gravity, winning 3-0

Match 2: JesseObre vs CookieLonginus
I broke Kei's LR cause of this match.. RIP. This is my 8th LR I have broken... Well I won 3-2 in a close matchup.

Match 3: JesseObre vs @[1234beyblade] 
1234Beyblade is illegal. He beat me. It's pretty obvious, he's way better than me.

Match 4: JesseObre vs @[Mr.Paradox]
Again OP Gravity is handy and I win, but he was also very good, I was lucky since it was mirror matchup.

Match 5: JesseObre vs @[Blader16940]

For my final matchup it was no surprise, Gravity was involved. Though I was unsure, since last battles, she had some interesting combos. I ended up winning 3-0 with my love of Gravity  :3:

I ended up with a 4-1 record.

Finals: JesseObre vs Wombat

We basically had a crazy battle as I was using Gravity F230GCF and he was using ?? but overall great match. I was mistaken and forgot to switch to CF as it had more control imo. I lost 4-5 again.  (Triggered face)  :@


After this we all departed and left. Before though, I went to the Dealers room and bought and Attack on Titan poster! :D.

We then proceeded to the International Plaza to help Kei with the equipment then made our way home. Then we dealt with post-anime-north depression.  :'( :'( I miss anime north. I came home tired and luckily my friend saw me at the bus stop and gave me a ride home.[spoiler]

Overall I say, Anime North was a great success! I did lose my voice though, and just recently got it back hahaha. I really want to thank the staff, and the community for all helping out, and supporting this event. (@[Kai-V], @[Mana] @[Kei] @[Manicben]. Also thanks to Anime North for supplying with Staff Shirts and great prizes! Also shoutout to @[zankye] for the video and showing out to support us! Thank you! I hope everybody enjoyed themselves as I did, and this is JesseObre's view of Anime North 2017! See you all at Anime North 2018!

I will be posting my vlogs on Anime North so watch on Youtube JesseObre

RE: Toronto Beyblade Burst Tournament Report: BEYBLADE NORTH 2017 - Manicben - Jun. 03, 2017

Bootleg Anime from Korea. Golden Bat was hilarious mate.

Great report, captures your battles and overall experience of the event.

RE: Toronto Beyblade Burst Tournament Report: BEYBLADE NORTH 2017 - Dark_Mousy - Jun. 03, 2017

Overall this was a great experience. Here are some of my thoughts:

I got there late due to being on Staff for the TCC. I ran into ManicBen and his crew while working the lines. That was honestly one of the funnier moments of the weekend. Once I got to the event I found a team with Wombat & Cake. I can't speak of how amazing these 2 are as Bladers and people. Our final match of the night was against Team Day Breakers. IT was a good match overall. I beat NaruBlader. I was hoping to face Kei, but that didn't happen. These guys are very classy as well. And shout out to JesseObre for being a good friend in and outside the WBO.

Oh man what a day this was! I got there about 30 minutes before it started. I let Kei use my wifi since there was a problem connecting to the event Wifi. I had 2 loses that day. One was against Kai-V/ She was using L2____Hole?. And I used Neptune Yell Revolve. I should've weak launch, but I didn't. And then I lost to TrainiacJ. I ended up 4-2 that day, and I ended up in 9th place overall. Not to bad for a 41 person(starting out) event. The finals were very interesting to see. I was glad to see such diversity in the finals. I liked how the finals were handled over all. The system we used with Head Judge/Co Head Judge was much needed and handled some complaints Ive heard in the past regarding judges.

Sunday: I didn't play hah. I went to visit the booth before everyone left. It was nice to see everyone and selfie with everyone hah. And Kai-V's cosplay was legit.

Final Thoughts:
The new track Atomic will be a force to be dealt with. Its going to become the new F230. I can already see that. Drain Fafnir is going to dominate, I mean dominate. It was nice to see Acid Anubis getting used. It apparently works as a Destabilizer. It was good to see Neptune(One of my favorite layer) had a use for Anti DF Polish Atomic Combos. I will be posting some tests this week about it.

RE: Toronto Beyblade Burst Tournament Report: BEYBLADE NORTH 2017 - Kei - Jun. 27, 2017

One month later, here's the BEYBLADE NORTH 2017 Team Burst Format video!