World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
BEYBLADE: Metal Saga/Shogun Steel/BeyRaiderz/Cyborg - Printable Version

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RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - Kai-V - May. 29, 2011

Yo, YTV, what the hell ... Another restart of the first season ? If the cable had not somehow already changed and removed YTV from its channels, I would just abandon it right now.

Then the United States will get the new episodes soon, Australia too, Europe, and months after that, perhaps Canada, but no, we will get another rerun.

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - DranzerX13 - May. 29, 2011

I guarantee that Canada will get them first. Just because their will be reruns, don't mean they won't skip them when necessary. I guarantee July 2011 for Canada. Also, Nelvana needs time to dub additional episodes. They probably have dubbed 26 episodes in their studio already. It's not just YTV's decision. Nelvana has probably told YTV around the time they could start airing it.

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - To - May. 29, 2011

Given that YTV will likely only be airing 1 episode a week again, Nelvana would've already long since recorded the end of Metal Masters by the time they'd hit 26.

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - DranzerX13 - May. 30, 2011

Like I said, YTV will most likely be airing Metal Masters in July, regardless of where they are in reruns.

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - Killer-Kirsty - May. 30, 2011

I have almost no doubt that Canada will get them first but then I think they might start airing them at the same time in all countries as last year wherever the new episodes aired it was on youtube not long after for all to see, maybe Nelvana doesn't want the same to happen again this year :\

The only other thing I can think of is that maybe Nelvana want to build excitement and anticipation for Metal Masters. I do think that they may do a Sneak peek in Canada around July-ish

I don't think it is to do with how many episodes have been dubbed as we got the very first season of Beyblade late May/early June 2002 in the UK (the first 10 or so episodes anyway with the other episodes upto 39 airing from July onwards), though I do wonder how long does it take to dub a season of Beyblade. My guess is around 8/9 months.

EDIT: found this link saying a M. Christian Heywood (Labrat in Grossology) will be Zeo in Metal Masters not only that but they have changed voice directors since Metal Fusion

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - Poison pegasus - Jun. 07, 2011

(May. 30, 2011  9:08 AM)Kirst-Mizuhime Wrote: I is around 8/9 months.

EDIT: found this link saying a M. Christian Heywood (Labrat in Grossology) will be Zeo in Metal Masters not only that but they have changed voice directors since Metal Fusion

He sounds like a kind that they would accept for a character.But i just hope they change ryuga his voice actor really sucked in the metal fusion

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - DranzerX13 - Jun. 21, 2011

Look what I found. I think this is a french dub of Metal Masters episode 1:

and I can confirm that Masamune's name is still Masamune not the rumored "James".

Also, a torrent of the first ep of Metal Masters in French is available. Here's the upload from MU:

Metal Masters Ep1: La toupie légendaire

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - DranzerX13 - Jun. 21, 2011

Below is a list of Metal Masters episodes airing in France, and along with spoilers such as dub names, etc.

Beyblade Metal Masters TV Schedule & Summaries (French Version) from Canal J (Gulli)

52. a toupie légendaire (2011-06-06)

53. Le bladeur obstiné (2011-06-06)

Gingka vainc Masamune mais ce dernier défie sans cesse Gingka en duel même s’il perd à chaque fois. Masamune s’entraîne durement et réussit finalement à gagner face à Gingka. Gingka en retire une leçon importante : il sait maintenant comment collaborer avec Pegasus.

54. Un nouveau défi (2011-06-07)

Une nouvelle venue, Mei-Mei invite Gingka à participer à un combat en duo. Mei-Mei fait équipe avec Chiyun et Gingka doit faire équipe avec Masamune. Ces deux derniers doivent apprendre à travailler en équipe pour pouvoir battre leurs adversaires. Gingka découvre que Chiyun et Mei-Mei font partie de l'équipe de Beyblade chinoise pour le prochain championnat du monde.

55. Un ticket pour le monde (2011-06-07)

Pendant un tournoi de qualification pour choisir les représentants japonais pour le championnat du monde de Beyblade, Gingka découvre qu'il est déjà sélectionné en tant que titulaire et qu'il n'a pas besoin de combattre. Il est déçu mais apprécie tout de même de regarder les combats animés dont l'apogée est le duel entre Yu et Masamune. Masamune en sort vainqueur et il ne reste plus qu'un poste de titulaire dans l'équipe japonaise.

56. Le dernier combat! Leone contre Eagle (2011-06-08)

Le dernier match de qualification pour conquérir une place dans l'équipe du Japon pour le championnat du monde de Beyblade va commencer. Kyoya et Rock Leone affrontent Tsubasa et Earth Eagle. Le combat est terrible mais Kyoya ressort vainqueur. Cependant, il révèle à Gingka que le seul blader au monde qu'il a envie de vaincre est Gingka lui-même.

57. À la face du monde! (2011-06-08)

Comme Kyoya a refusé de se joindre à l'équipe du Japon pour le championnat du monde de Beyblade, un combat est organisé entre Yu et Tsubasa pour décider qui sera le dernier Membre Titulaire. Après un combat inspiré, Tsubasa remporte la victoire et l'équipe du Japon, la Gangan Galaxy, s'envole pour le championnat du monde.

58. Entraînement à la chinoise (2011-06-09)

L'équipe japonaise arrive en Chine et se voit invitée au temple Beijin, lieu d'entraînement de leurs adversaires ; ils pourront ainsi découvrir les techniques d'entraînement de l'équipe chinoise. Dashan, le chef de cette équipe, contraint Gingka à l'affronter en duel. Masamune s'interpose pour empêcher Gingka de montrer son coup spécial à l'équipe chinoise.

59. Le troisième bladeur (2011-06-09)

Madoka et Gingka se rendent au camp d'entraînement de l'équipe adverse pour découvrir qui est le troisième bladeur. Masamune, lui, le rencontre par hasard. Son nom est Chaoxin. C'est un frimeur qui a toujours des fans à ses côtés. Masamune le défie en duel et le très détendu Chaoxin arrive à le vaincre sans même prendre le combat au sérieux.

60. Le championnat du monde commence (2011-06-10)

Après sa défaite contre Chaoxin, Masamune se lance dans un sévère entraînement au coeur de la nature. Il y rencontre un vieil homme. Ce vieillard mystérieux rembourse à Masamune le repas qu'il lui a offert en lui donnant de précieux conseils, restaurant par là la confiance en lui de Masamune. Mettant en pratique les sages conseils du vieil homme, Masamune remporte la victoire sur Chaoxin au premier tour du championnat du monde de Beyblade...

61. La volonté de Lacerta (2011-06-10)

Lors d'un combat très intense, Chiyun ne cesse de harceler Tsubasa au sujet de son style de combat trop rigide. Chiyun accuse Tsubasa de ne pas mettre autant d'énergie dans la bataille que lors de sa défaite contre Kyoya. Ces accusations font perdre à Tsubasa le contrôle de lui-même et provoquent une crise de colère, qui effraie Chiyun et tous les spectateurs du stadium. Tsubasa encaisse une terrible défaite contre l'arrogant Chiyun.

62. Le secret de 4000 ans (2011-06-13)

Dashan et sa toupie Rock Zurafa affrontent Gingka et Galaxy Pegasus lors du troisième et dernier duel du combat du premier tour des championnats du monde de Beyblade. Les deux bladeurs et leurs toupies se lancent dans une confrontation féroce mais c'est Gingka qui finit par gagner. Son équipe avance donc vers le prochain tour.

63. La toupie au nom héroïque (2011-06-13)

Gingka et son équipe voyagent à l'étranger pour assister au combat entre l'équipe Desert Blaze et l'équipe Excalibur d'Europe. A la surprise générale, l'équipe Excalibur est composée d'un seul blader appelé Julian Konzern, qui combat les trois membres de Desert Blaze à lui tout seul et remporte la victoire...

64. Les plaines glacées de Russie (2011-06-14)

Gingka et la Gangan Galaxy voyagent en train vers la Russie afin de rencontrer leurs prochains adversaires pour le championnat du monde de Beyblade. Le voyage est long et il fait très froid mais d'autres bladers, Aleksey, Lera et Nowaguma, les aident à passer le temps en se livrant avec eux à un match de Beyblade. La Gangan Galaxy l'emporte facilement mais nos héros sont très surpris, en arrivant à destination, d'apprendre que leurs adversaires sont en réalité les membres de la Lovushka, l'équipe russe...

65. Le stadium sans issue (2011-06-14)

Gingka et son équipe affrontent leurs prochains adversaires pour le championnat du monde de Beyblade : l'équipe russe, nommée Lovushka. Pendant ce temps, Masamune erre à travers une campagne déserte, car il a été envoyé par ruse dans un autre train que ses coéquipiers. Gingka affronte Nowaguma dans un duel serré mais il finit par remporter la victoire. La Gangan Galaxy progresse mais est toujours privée d'un de ses membres, Masamune...

66. Le premier duel de Libra (2011-06-15)

Masamune n'est toujours pas de retour. Yu doit le remplacer et affronter Aleksey pour le duel du deuxième tour. Anton et Aleksey ont truqué le stadium : des ondes sont libérées et empêchent Flame Libra de réaliser son coup spécial. Yu se montre plus malin qu'eux, remporte le duel et permet ainsi à son équipe Gangan Galaxy d'accéder au troisième tour...

67. Le Festival des Guerriers (2011-06-15)

Les bladeurs se retrouvent en Grèce et finissent par affronter l'équipe européenne Excalibur. Deux de ses membres, Wales (de l'Angleterre) et Sophie (de la France) se placent devant leur chef Julian Konzern (de l'Italie) pour le protéger. L'équipe de Gingka a des difficultés à percer ce mur de protection. Libra, la toupie de Yu, se voit aspirer au fond du tourbillon et Striker, la toupie de Masamune, est engloutie par un raz-de-marée. Gingka s'en sort pas mal jusqu'à ce que l'équipe adverse lance son coup spécial, le «Déluge de Deucalion» qui ensevelit autrefois les pays entourant la mer Egée. Pegasus se noie et Gingka perd le combat.

68. Comme on se retrouve, Wang Hu Zhong! (2011-06-16)

Gingka, Masamune, Tsubasa et Yu s'efforcent d'améliorer leur travail en équipe mais finissent par se disputer encore plus violemment que d'habitude. Cette situation pousse Madoka à les menacer de dissoudre l'équipe. Les Wang Hu Zhong leur viennent en aide en tentant d'enseigner à Gingka et ses amis l'art de la coopération.

69. La fureur brûlante du Lion (2011-06-16)

Kyoya se rend dans un pays appelé le Savannah pour prendre part à un tournoi qui lui permettra de participer au championnat du monde de Beyblade s'il termine dans le trio de tête. Lui et les deux autres finalistes découvrent qu'ils doivent faire en sorte qu'aucun blader ne puisse les battre pendant vingt-quatre heures pour devenir des représentants officiel du Savannah.

70. L'equipe Wild Fang (2011-06-17)

71. Holeseus VS Striker (2011-06-17)

72. Les rivaux se retrouvent (2011-06-20)

73. Le troisième match (2011-06-20)

74. La fin de la bataille (2011-06-21)

After that, repeats. No new episodes airing as of yet.

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - Kai-V - Jun. 23, 2011

Nelvana renamed Julius Caesar to Julian Konzern. What the hell. What is wrong with a name that everybody knows anyway ? Who does not know who Julius Caesar is ?

Dora is now Lera too ...

Puten is Anton, a name which seems far too American for a Russian ...

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - Flosal - Jun. 23, 2011

Looks like they want to eliminate any kind of connection with reality, but really, a name like that does not represent at all Ceasar's personality. And is Konzern a last name or first name at all?

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - Kai-V - Jun. 23, 2011

"Konzern" is his dub last name.

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - Killer-Kirsty - Jun. 23, 2011

(Jun. 23, 2011  3:27 AM)Kai-V Wrote: "Konzern" is his dub last name.

Flosal was more asking whether Konzern is a real name or not (personally I have not heard of it before). Changing the last name was not so bad but changing Julius to Julian was a step too far.

I have to admit these name changes are quite moronic, for Puten and Julius I guess it is like Flosal said they are cutting connections to reality and as for Dora to Lera maybe they don't want the viewers to confuse her with Dora the Explorer (though having said that Lera is a nicer name anyway).

The French dub is airing but no word on the English dub, aren't Nelvana gonna try and make people excited for it like letting Canada have a sneak peek? Seeing Canada get their sneak peeks for G-Rev made me more excited for G-Rev to air but they are doing no such thing for Metal Masters it seems.

I still think they will air the dub at the same time in all English speaking countries tbh

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - Kai-V - Jun. 23, 2011

This means that "Faust" will almost assuredly be changed too ..­.

Konzern seems to only be a German word. Yo, Nelvana, he is clearly from Italy, what were you thinking ...

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - Killer-Kirsty - Jun. 23, 2011

Considering the implications the "Faust" name change is almost inevitble.

Hmmm I dunno what they are thinking but I thought the point of being co-producers was to make the new Beyblade a more faithful adaptation no?

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - Kai-V - Jun. 24, 2011

Also, to anyone who says they want to cut all ties to reality : Voltaire ? Souichiru was a fine name, yet they changed it to the name of a sarcastic French philosopher. However, I doubt anybody complained about that name, just the fact that it was changed ... Actually, using that name made some people research its origins and made them learn more about this great philosopher.

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - BeyScorcher - Jun. 24, 2011

Uhhhhh....Why rename their great names to something that doesn't even fit their race?(/ethincy/whatever) Their names are fine, <off topic and they also screwed up the beys names. Twisted Tempo?

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - Killer-Kirsty - Jun. 24, 2011

(Jun. 24, 2011  5:25 AM)Kai-V Wrote: Also, to anyone who says they want to cut all ties to reality : Voltaire ? Souichiru was a fine name, yet they changed it to the name of a sarcastic French philosopher. However, I doubt anybody complained about that name, just the fact that it was changed ... Actually, using that name made some people research its origins and made them learn more about this great philosopher.

Woah forgot about Voltaire there but it did make a good villain's name and I am not sure if I would have understood Souichiru as it looks hard to prounounce, hmm you could say it is a difference of dubbing standards I mean that was way back in 2002 and it is 2011 now and rules may have changed about how to dub and whatnot also different people dubbing and writing is another factor.

Though having said that this fact has just made the name changes in Metal Masters go from moronic to downright pointless.
(Jun. 24, 2011  5:51 AM)BeyScorcher Wrote: Uhhhhh....Why rename their great names to something that doesn't even fit their race?(/ethincy/whatever) Their names are fine, <off topic and they also screwed up the beys names. Twisted Tempo?

Twisted Tempo sounds like some rythmn music or dance XD

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - Wizard - Jun. 25, 2011

(Jun. 23, 2011  1:30 AM)Kai-V Wrote: Nelvana renamed Julius Caesar to Julian Konzern. What the hell. What is wrong with a name that everybody knows anyway ? Who does not know who Julius Caesar is ?

Dora is now Lera too ...

Puten is Anton, a name which seems far too American for a Russian ...
Are you sure it's "Anton" and not "Antoine"? I think that would make more sense.

I thought Julius Caesar was a book? Wait, it is a book. But wasn't he also a philosopher?

Dora being changed to Lera, I can understand. It's probably because every time the character's name would be said, people probably would have thought of Dora The Explorer...

I hope Faust doesn't get a name change... Faust has a cool name. Joyful_2

EDIT: According to the Wall Street Journal, Beyblade: Metal Masters will air this fall in the U.S. In my opinion, that's a pretty long wait, but it gives me time to save up money for the season 2 Beyblades. Tongue_out

Also, wow! That's a lazy Dub theme. Tongue_out

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - Kai-V - Jun. 26, 2011

(Jun. 25, 2011  4:47 PM)Bey-Heart Wrote: Are you sure it's "Anton" and not "Antoine"? I think that would make more sense.

I thought Julius Caesar was a book? Wait, it is a book. But wasn't he also a philosopher?

Dora being changed to Lera, I can understand. It's probably because every time the character's name would be said, people probably would have thought of Dora The Explorer...

I hope Faust doesn't get a name change... Faust has a cool name. Joyful_2

No, it is really "Anton". The French know how to write "Antoine", but that is not what they wrote. "Anton" is really, to me, one of the worst names ever created.

Are you serious ? I really hope you are not ...

Using a more 'existing' and similar name like "Nora" would have made a lot more sense.

Faust will definitely be changed, we are talking about Nelvana ...

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - Wizard - Jun. 26, 2011

(Jun. 26, 2011  1:34 AM)Kai-V Wrote:
(Jun. 25, 2011  4:47 PM)Bey-Heart Wrote: Are you sure it's "Anton" and not "Antoine"? I think that would make more sense.

I thought Julius Caesar was a book? Wait, it is a book. But wasn't he also a philosopher?

Dora being changed to Lera, I can understand. It's probably because every time the character's name would be said, people probably would have thought of Dora The Explorer...

I hope Faust doesn't get a name change... Faust has a cool name. Joyful_2

No, it is really "Anton". The French know how to write "Antoine", but that is not what they wrote. "Anton" is really, to me, one of the worst names ever created.

Are you serious ? I really hope you are not ...

Using a more 'existing' and similar name like "Nora" would have made a lot more sense.

Faust will definitely be changed, we are talking about Nelvana ...
Hmm... Maybe the person just didn't know how to write Antoine? Oh well. In my opinion, that name should have been left alone. But since it wasn't, it better be announced the way I think it is. (Anne-Ton)

I'm completely serious. I used to know who he was. But I have long since forgot. If I am correct, he was a man with power in government. I guess I better google it.

As long as it's not Dora, I'm fine with the name. (Unless it sounds dumb) But Nora would have probably been a better choice.

That sucks. They're killing such an epic name! Unhappy

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - DranzerX13 - Jun. 27, 2011

Metal Masters Episode 60: Le championnat du monde commence
Metal Masters Episode 61: La volonté de Lacerta
Metal Masters Episode 62: Un secret de 4000 ans
Metal Masters Episode 63: La toupie au nom héroïque
My French RAW capper (from Frenchies-Subs) capped it for me.

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime & Manga) - Fall 2010 - toatanu - Jul. 04, 2011

(May. 19, 2011  2:24 PM)ta daaaa Wrote:
(Mar. 19, 2010  12:54 PM)Chaos Blader Wrote: So the lyrics are:
Beyblade, Beyblade Let it rip! Lets fight in an epic battle, Face off and spin the metal. No time for doubt now no place for backing down. Beyblade, Beyblade Let it rip! Beyblade, Beyblade Let it rip! Spin out of play now. bring on some power. Right to the top, Yeah, we're never giving up! Here comes, Here comes Metal masters. Let's go Beyblade let it rip Metal masters Let it rip. Beyblade, Beyblade Let it rip! This is it, Get a grip, Let it rip! ? (Sorry about the wall of text.)

i HATE that song for some reason

Same. I was hoping for something more awesome for the new season. Metal Fight Explosion's opening was epic, and I was hoping for something at least half as good. UnhappyUnhappyUnhappy is all I can say to this.

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - Eartheagle1997 - Jul. 07, 2011

I wish that metal masters would come as fast as it did in the usa
Not the USA I meant France cause I live in the US and I want to see all of the characters

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - To - Jul. 17, 2011

I have been told that Cartoon Network Australia will be hosting the world premiere of Beyblade: Metal Masters starting July 25 as the series airs Mon-Fri.

RE: BEYBLADE: Metal Fusion (Anime) - May 15 2010 (Canada); June 26 2010 (USA); Fall 2010 - BeybladeStation - Jul. 17, 2011

Quite interesting! I want to see how this will work.

Thanks, To!