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Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - Printable Version

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RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - Rustled Jimmies - Jul. 02, 2013

According to Pcyborg, which he posted a bit ago, Legion is the official term of "Archetype", just as Sentinels are the official term for "Perfect Guards" and Forerunners are the official terms for "Starting Vanguards".

Except for Legion/Archetype, these official terms are explained on the card (url=,_Soh_Koh]Forerunner, coined officially as of BT09[/url] and Sentinel, though its effect is pretty universal in all clans so the term is just to name it). But these are rarely used IRL, and everyone seems to follow what the anime says as reference (Kanzen Bougyou or Kanzen Gaado, I think, usually means Perfect Guard, so everyone just calls them Perfect Guards).

All you need to know when making a deck are your staples:
8k Vanilla Boost
10k Vanilla Intercept
Starting Vanguard
Perfect Guard

Aside from Starting Vanguard, you pretty much need four of these staples in your deck.

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - 6 God - Jul. 02, 2013

Any tips on running a gold paladin deck? I heard they definitlely need those vanilla booster things and spectral duke dragon, anything else I should know.

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - Giraton - Jul. 02, 2013

(Jul. 02, 2013  2:31 AM)Kyler_the best Wrote: Any tips on running a gold paladin deck? I heard they definitlely need those vanilla booster things and spectral duke dragon, anything else I should know.

spectral duke isn't needed, it will just put your deck in that direction. if you stick with duke however, you need the rest of the chain and maybe chrome jailer dragon from set 9. you may also want a few summoning cards and tripp and tron are also good cards in any gold deck, maybe not 4 copies of each card for a duke deck but it's an option. as golds are mainly top decking spammers, attack quickly at first, then switch to duke for some hard hitting in late game to finish off. was that what you were looking for?

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - 6 God - Jul. 02, 2013

I have no idea i just saw peope running x4 duke on the championship rankings list, im kind of a noob like kaboom! So i dont have to run duke, so any othe rpossible combos i can use, so u have a deck build?

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - Giraton - Jul. 02, 2013

(Jul. 02, 2013  2:57 AM)Kyler_the best Wrote: I have no idea i just saw peope running x4 duke on the championship rankings list, im kind of a noob like kaboom! So i dont have to run duke, so any othe rpossible combos i can use, so u have a deck build?

ok, so if you run golds, you have several options. one is garmore, my personal favourite. it relies on the trial deck exclusive silver wolf garmore as it's main card. not an over powered deck but it's consistent and flexible. next is ezel, it uses ezel to summon cards and gain massive power. thanks to kryph, it can be ridden early and is quite consistent with just one ezel. ezel is expensive though so it's a little tricky to build. next is palanor, have no idea how it works honestly, and is the least used deck of golds main builds, but is still used. next is spectral duke, shadows power hungry skills with golds top decking allows for vanguard heavy effects with rush down. quite powerful for many but is a ride chain so it's hard to use. next is chrome jailer, same as spectral duke, many mix the 2 together. finally it's platina ezel, ask someone else as im horrible about explaining cross ride decks. all i know is that it's expencive. look these up on google and you will get deck lists for each.

edit: there is also the super risky, super budget deck of knight of fury, agrivain. uses a mega blaster as it's key. as the main cards for it are commons and rares, and agrivain is what, $3-$5, it's cheep, but not one to win games. somebody here uses it as a joke.

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - 6 God - Jul. 02, 2013

Okay thanks a lot, im probably thinking a combo between garmore and ezel, thoughts?

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - Giraton - Jul. 02, 2013

ha, that's what im using. most do that at first as it's easy to get the cards together. trial decks and a few ezels. not entirely cheep though.

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - 6 God - Jul. 02, 2013

Cool lol, how many ezel do u run?

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - Giraton - Jul. 02, 2013

(Jul. 02, 2013  3:37 AM)Kyler_the best Wrote: Cool lol, how many ezel do u run?

well i only use one because it's not my main deck. 2 or 3 is a good number though. if you run 3 ezel you can run 3 or 4 garmores and it's always a good idea to have 2 sagremores if you run 2 ezel and 2-3 garmores.

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - 6 God - Jul. 02, 2013

k thanks for the advice.

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - Pcyborg - Jul. 02, 2013

(Jul. 02, 2013  2:57 AM)Kyler_the best Wrote: I have no idea i just saw peope running x4 duke on the championship rankings list, im kind of a noob like kaboom! So i dont have to run duke, so any othe rpossible combos i can use, so u have a deck build?
Spectral Duke builds gives you an early field advantage and late game, he's good on giving the final push due to his LB4 skill.

Before you go into deck builds, its recommended that you know what each clan does what best and how cards make use of those effects.

eg; GP is good with random calls.

Spectral kills em off to stand again
Chrome Jailer kills em off to get power and crit
Pellinore makes use of random calling to move him to the VG circle
Garmore is just... Garmore...
Ezel gets power from random calling
Platina powers up the field since your field is usually full.

Thats the gist of it.

Dont just go around making a deck without understanding what a clan can do. Unless you really like a particular theme, then go ahead with that.

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - Rustled Jimmies - Jul. 02, 2013

That's what new players do with DOTE because "hurrdurr DOTE is tournament meta it must be good deck" when they know jack carp about how to carping use it.

Which is what ticks me off about new players in Vanguard because they look to the "broken" cards because they think they'll get an easy win off of them. News flash, newbs, it's only broken if you know how to use it. Make these "broken decks" the wrong way, and you'll get roflstomped.

Besides, if you spend your money of a DOTE or MLB deck and you can't do it properly, it becomes a waste of money. And then you'll carp and you'll cry and you'll quit the game because you can't win with the most broken deck of the game. Do your research first, find the clan that's most suited to your playing style, and go from there.

Start off here and do your research. (No, she does not cover Crossrides, get over it)

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - 6 God - Jul. 02, 2013

I really dont think ill start crying and quit the game, lol, thats actually kinda rude, i didnt just see e card and turn into morikawa, with grade 3's i just figured it could be good. No need to be so rude.

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - Rustled Jimmies - Jul. 03, 2013

That's not being rude, that's being realistic. And I'm not calling you out, I'm speaking in general for new players who tend to follow the trends rather than make their own decisions. We're only around to guide you, not make you decide. You gotta pick what you want on your own.

Seriously, do you REALLY wanna waste your money on cards that are probably mad expensive, only to find out you can't use them properly and in the end end up switching to another deck? I'm helping you save money.

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - Giraton - Jul. 03, 2013

(Jul. 03, 2013  12:25 AM)Rustled Jimmies Wrote: Seriously, do you REALLY wanna waste your money on cards that are probably mad expensive, only to find out you can't use them properly and in the end end up switching to another deck? I'm helping you save money.

this is very true. I was fortunate enough to not have this with royals, but my gold deck is going no where. make sure you read up on cards, find what suits you best and try not to bandwagon (lack of creativity makes the game boring). on this site, beyblades has a surprising amount of creativity and experimenting. we aren't perfect but it's better than just following the crowd like in card games like this. as chances are you are only going to have 1 or 2 decks for a long time, better to know what you play is fun rather than using a deck that has won games. of cause, decks that won tournaments have a higher chance of winning than mucking around with decks that haven't gone anywhere, and im fine with people thinking that. but it costs you more in the long run and is nearly always less fun. so try to find a deck that suits you. I've done that and I'm still playing royal garmore after nearly 1 1/2 years, though it's obvious I need to upgrade it, it just means I have very little to change.

ps: try working with under used clans. I don't see nearly enough pale moon or dark irregular players around, and murakumo has just got all the cards they need. the lesser used the clan is, the higher chance of it being fun and/or cheep, so it's good to try even if you don't like the clan, as you haven't spent too much on a deck that is useless, and surprisingly under used clan decks sell really well (not sure how that adds up).

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - Pcyborg - Jul. 03, 2013

For new players id recommend them to get a trial deck. Any trial deck. While you play, read the rules along and get used to the game with it. Once you re confident enough, its time to venture out.

I would never ever recommend anyone to start out with the purple nations first. They re good clans but thy mechanics behind em are complex. As a new player, getting the basics first is important not rushing into the meta.

I feel the best trial deck for any player to start learning the game from is kagero. Cardpool from that set is just amazing and its not just straight forward put down and hit anything like the newer trial decks..

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - Thunder Dome - Jul. 04, 2013

So I purchased TD05 (Gold Paladin) earlier today and was wondering if that was a good choice? The other TD's there were 2, 3, and 7. I know Kagero is recommended, but I decided not to. And also I'm not positive I want to run Gold Paladins and was wondering if the deck is good enough by it self (Until I figure out what to build and buy for that) or should I buy a few more just to make it a little better when playing with others? Thanks for the help!

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - Giraton - Jul. 04, 2013

(Jul. 04, 2013  2:50 AM)Thunder Dome Wrote: So I purchased TD05 (Gold Paladin) earlier today and was wondering if that was a good choice? The other TD's there were 2, 3, and 7. I know Kagero is recommended, but I decided not to. And also I'm not positive I want to run Gold Paladins and was wondering if the deck is good enough by it self (Until I figure out what to build and buy for that) or should I buy a few more just to make it a little better when playing with others? Thanks for the help!

allot of newbes tend to go gold. any trial deck is a good choice. gold and royals tend to be the decks that are very good for learning basic plays, kagero is the long running deck for deck building and has enough power to win bigger games, but requires practice. Aqua force is lucky, and I have no idea why. nova grappler and oracle think tank tend to be bought for deck exclusives and triggers, not much reason to get them other wise. I would complain that there is now another gold player lose, but the hype for the clan has since dropped, thank you DOTE and MLB.

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - Rustled Jimmies - Jul. 06, 2013

Set is complete

If you haven't seen 'em yet, the last two Reverse cards' effects have been revealed, and an entire lineup of the new Link Joker clan ala BT12. (Japanese, of course)

No LJ Heals in the set, so you'd have to get the Trial Deck to get your heals.

Edit: BTW, anyone who frequents this thread play in the North NJ/NYC area?

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - Otsu - Jul. 08, 2013

glad to see this thread is still alive and well. :p
i uploaded a new cardfight video, check it out. Grin

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - Temporal - Jul. 08, 2013

I find it quite unfortunate that few people I know play Vanguard. My brother only has a half-deck he got at an anime convention (Because he refuses to buy anything non-Kagero...), and a friend of mine plays Aqua Force. Though she wants to try an OTT build. It's a pain to find the distributors in Chicago, because they're mostly on the north side, and really tiny. Given my paltry budget, I'm not sure if it matters, anyway.

The last time I tried Aqua Force, I noticed that the Trial Deck is REALLY Grade 1 reliant. Maybe it's just me. But most the the early hits came from the vanguard, but only if they were well-boosted early on by something like Battle Siren, Dorothea, and were flanked by Grade 1s. (Though those hitting were not a requirement...) I find that a Limit Break-capable Navalgazer Dragon boosted by Battle Siren, Dorothea is quite effective in the endgame, so long as you have counterblasts to burn. (Though the deck could live without so many Key Anchor, Dabids... I'll replace at least one with another Navalgazer Dragon if I can.) I did get lucky and pulled an Aquabreath Dracokid, so that went in ASAP. But it is still pretty reliant on early Grade 1 setup.

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - Rustled Jimmies - Jul. 08, 2013

I find it quite unfortunate that few people I know play Vanguard, and the only person who's probably the most far-off more (but not as me) is not dedicated to the game and doesn't even want to run a competitive deck (even though I said I'd help him get cards, he just needs to pay me back....stupid cheapskate). I need a challenge among friends, and he doesn't even want me to help add Perfect Guards because he doesn't want to pay, he want's a friggin' "freebie".

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - Dual - Jul. 08, 2013

That stinks. My sister poses somewhat of a challenge, and my friend is obsessed and we play like 20 games every time we meet up, but unfortunately that isn't very often.

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - Temporal - Jul. 08, 2013

Ah, you lucky person. I've only played against my brother once with a Royal Paladin half-deck to teach the guy how to play. I'm waiting for him to realize that it's kinda odd to refuse to buy anything non-Kagero, but it's not working. Thus, he has only a Kagero half-deck he got for free. I understand that Kagero is good, but he refused a FREE Royal Paladin or OTT full deck because they weren't Kagero. Everyone else I know that plays Vanguard doesn't live in Chicago, and I only know them from Anime Central this year.

RE: Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread - Axel Phantom - Jul. 08, 2013

(Jul. 08, 2013  3:56 AM)Rustled Jimmies Wrote: I find it quite unfortunate that few people I know play Vanguard, and the only person who's probably the most far-off more (but not as me) is not dedicated to the game and doesn't even want to run a competitive deck (even though I said I'd help him get cards, he just needs to pay me back....stupid cheapskate). I need a challenge among friends, and he doesn't even want me to help add Perfect Guards because he doesn't want to pay, he want's a friggin' "freebie".

cant help with finding people near you but I do know of a cardfight Skype group