beyblade customise

Hey friends....
I just found awesome power of ultimate meteo l drago assault....
I was testing my l drago then suddenly I used WGrin performance tip...and guess what it is awesome....
I got ultimate stamina...
Awesome attacks...and good defense...
WGrin makes beyblade stand up...and we also know about spinn absorb...
Bey info...
Beyblade name..:- ultimate meteo l drago assault 85Xf
Upgraded name with new performance tip...:- ultimate meteo l drago assault 85WGrin
Face bolt :- l drago
Energy ring :- l drago assault
Fusion wheel :- meteo
Spin track:- 85
Performance tip :- W: D
So bladers try it and have fun....
Why wouldn't you use absorb? Absorb outclasses Assault in stamina
this thread shouldn't be here I guess..
That combination is extremely outclassed. As Maximum Dranzer mentioned, this forum is a marketplace, so it is used to discuss only purchases and sales. Customizations are not related to it and should be discussed only in the Beyblade Customizations forum. However, all new topics in the Beyblade Customizations forum need to have valid test results to back up the claims.