
Hi, not much to say, but I love blading! My beyblades are Rock Leone, Rock Orso, Evil Gemios, Dark Wolf, Dark Bull, Dark Gasher, Storm Pegasus, Storm Aquario, and Ray Unicorno. I have ALOT of beyblades and I am a great blader.
Welcome and nice beys I also have unicorno
1. any font that looks good and i want my name on there.

2.http://thumbnail.image.rakuten.co.jp/@0_mall/apita/cabinet/toy/ac725-077775.jpg http://images.wikia.com/beyblade/images/4/4c/Ginga.jpg

3. a galaxy pegasis sig and avatar with ginga in the middle on the right pagasis as in the summoned version and on the left galaxy pegasis.

Welcome to the WBO.
Guys please see who you are welcoming , the guys profile states he last visited WBO on 13 jan & then his account was banned , his Grey-ed username is a total giveaway , so why start on a dead thread , sorry just posting this so that no one posts in this thread again
How is a banned member allowed to post or something.... He can still have a connexion with the site???