EVERYTHING MUST GO! Plastics, HMS, accessories, etc.

So uh, I'm basically getting rid of ~*~everything~*~ due to, y'know, lost interest and all.

Important to note: All of this stuff is at my mom's house since there was no way I was carting 100+ Beyblades back and forth to school and stuff. This isn't a definitive list of what I have. There's a bunch of stuff that's missing as well as some on this list that I might not actually have (I have a very poor memory). SO. Please comment in this thread first with what you're interested in. It'll be first come, first serve. Once I'm back home on Saturday I'll actually look through all of what I have and let you guys know exactly what the deal is. In that case, those who are still interested can shoot me a PM to negotiate prices and the like.

I ship out of Canada and accept PayPal only. If anyone is going to be at BWR at Anime North and is interested I can bring the blades there so you don't have to pay for shipping. :3 In the same vein, anything I haven't sold yet I'll also probably bring with so people can buy there.

Almost everything I own (from G series on) is TAKARA. I'll also update the list if there are any colour variants I missed (I'm fairly certain I've got a bunch of PF blades, it's just a matter of which one is which =w=a).

Anything with ✗ next to it has been reserved.

!!! means new addition to the list!


Bistool ✗
Roller Defenser

Dragoon S ✗
Dranzer S
Driger S ✗
Draciel S
Galeon ✗

Dragoon F
Dranzer F ✗
Driger F ✗
Draciel F
!!! NIB Phantom Force Wolborg ✗

Dragoon V ✗
Dranzer V
Driger V ✗
Draciel V
Flash Leopard ✗

Dragoon V2 ✗
Dranzer V2 ✗
Driger V2 ✗
Draciel V2
Voltaic Ape *
Burning Kerberous
Dark Gaia Dragoon ✗
Poseidon ✗
Venus (AR only) ✗
Appollon (AR only) ✗

Dragoon G ✗
Dranzer G
Driger G ✗
Draciel G
Wolborg 4 ✗
Flame Pegasus

Dragoon GT ✗
Dranzer GT ✗
Zeus ✗
Gigars ✗


Dragoon MS ✗
Dranzer MS ✗
Driger MS (x3, I have the red and grey variants as well)
Draciel MS *
Dragoon MSUV ✗
Wolborg MS ✗
Death Gargoyle MS ✗
Thunder Dragon
!!! Samurai Changer MS ✗
!!! Phantom Fox MS
!!! Round Shell MS ✗
!!! Slash Riger MS
!!! Dark Leopard MS (x3 wtf how)
Advance Striker
Advance Guardian
Advance Averazer ✗

!!! + 2 NIB HMS Random Booster Act 4
#1 - AR: Smash Phoenix (dark blue) ✗
WD: Circle Wide
RC: Grip Sharp Core (tan) ✗
#2 - AR: Advance Survivor (light blue) ✗
WD: CWD Free Saucer
RC: Free Shaft Core (dark blue) ✗

Seeing as there are 2/3 parts for Dranzer MF between the two RBAs I am willing to mix and match but that's only if neither of them get individually claimed first. :3

Anything with a * I am not sure I actually own. So uh, be warned. e__e;


Tornado Balance ✗
Tornado Balance Type-S ✗
Toolbox DX ✗ (maybe)

I know I have more in terms of grips and such, I just need to actually see what I own. I'll update the list ASAP.
dibs on bistool

Uriel 2
Venus (AR only)
Dragoon MSUV
dibs on gigars, dragoon and dranzer ms and wolborg ms Smile oh and apollons ar
ok these are being dibsed for lira he will come on and post here soon but for now he dibs death gargoyle ms, galeon and Advance Averazer if you find it. Iam also interested in zeus if synthesia doesnt get it off you.
Interested in: Dragoon V2, Uriel 2, Dragoon MS, DEMS, and Tornado Balance.
btw i'm interested in uriel 2 as well

i'll trade you my two broken uriel 2s Unhappy
Interested in Uriel II, Dranzer GT
(May. 01, 2009  8:00 AM)josh-jf Wrote: dibs on gigars, dragoon and dranzer ms and wolborg ms Smile oh and apollons ar
ok these are being dibsed for lira he will come on and post here soon but for now he dibs death gargoyle ms, galeon and Advance Averazer if you find it. Iam also interested in zeus if synthesia doesnt get it off you.

Thanx josh-jf you're a lifesaver Tongue_out But yea just to confirm it dibs on:
Death Gargoyle MS
Advance Averazer if you find it

im interested in:

Dragoon GT
and if you have it, a HMS Custom Grip Launcher
Interested in:
Dark Gaia Dragoon

Also, do you have a CWD Reverse Defenser just lying around? If you do I'd be interested in that...
hey id like wolborg 4, dranzer f, driger v, flash leopard, dranzer v2, driger v2, driger G, dranzer ms and death gargoyle ms
oh, and yeah if you have a hms grip im interested
and dranzer gt if no1 shottys it first
^ People have already dibber Dranzer MS and DGMS so you know. I guess you'll be second though........
interested in dragoon ms if avalible. whats your price?
Dibs on the second Tornado balance and a HMS grip if you have
how much for dragoon g?
also got some mfb grips?
(May. 01, 2009  8:40 PM)Ginga Hagane Wrote: is the hms grip black like ginga's?

Ginga doesn't use HMS. Tired
So..You want a black grip so you can be like ginga? What are you trying to be a ginga cosplay boy XD,but yes the HMS grip is black
If you have another Galeon I would like it. Also, dibs on Dragoon S.
Could you PM me a pic of the Toolbox? I might want that...
Interested in Driger S
Oh great trust me to find this when I've spent all my money
If someone can't get one of the tornado balances dibs on it.
Any grips you have for Plastics I call dibs on. I'll probably end up droping the dibs on most of them, so don't fret ladies and gents.
Depending on the price, I may want Dranzer G. So dibs, I guess. (subject to change, though)
(May. 01, 2009  3:30 PM)Ginga Hagane Wrote: interested in dragoon ms if avalible. whats your price?

I already dibsed it please read the thread properly.