
i'm currently in the pursuit of Alexander; the ultimate defense type with a bit of stamina, and i was wondering if anybody had any suggestions
currently i own
Rock Orso
Earth Eagle
Dark Libra
if you can help, i would appreciate it,.
please use the "build me a combo" thread for this kind of question instead of making a useless thread
it isn't a build me but more of suggestions like " oh, rock leone has a good base, how about you try that."
uh thats what we do in "build me a combo"

can a mod please close this now
(Dec. 06, 2010  10:10 PM)DriggerTrigger Wrote: it isn't a build me but more of suggestions like " oh, rock leone has a good base, how about you try that."

Nope. This still belongs in the "build me a combo" thread. They'll kindly build you a defense combo with your current beyblades AND recommend you parts. Please redirect your question there.
um i just said that <- offtopic
Just do what lord Wolfblade said, I will close this now.