Beyblade Team: "Legend Bladers!" (Wisconsin Group Gathering Bladers)

everyone! For all of you who live in Wisconsin, or at least near Wisconsin, come beyblade in my new team "Legend Bladers!". This team will be searching and wandering for new bladers near Wisconsin to blade with me! Just post a comment saying where you live (What State) and what your best beyblade is! Get ready to have some fun in the new team Legend Bladers!!

Age Limit: Must be 6-14 to be in "Legend Bladers!".

Where Would We Beyblade?: Near my house, where ever you may live.

Why Would I Do This?: I want to gather bladers near WI to unleash their ultimate beyspirit!

I LOVE blading, and I think it would be an ultimate experiance to beyblade with other bladers!

REMEMBER to comment saying "What your best beyblade is", and "What town in WI or near WI you live in".
That belonged in the WBO General forum, not Beyblade General ... Read the forum descriptions and their specific rules.
could i join i live in wisconsin and i love to beyblade how about it
my bey is fireblaze i live in milwakuee
i live in wisconsin jefferson pop 7000-8000 my best beyblade is fang leone
my name is jonah i use a bey named ray pegasus i live in two rivers so please pick me to join your team
I live near waupaca and my best bey is meteo ldrago SWI45F
Milwaukee Wisconsin I use Dranzer, Rock Leone, Storm Pegasis, Rock Aries, and Evil Gemios.
I live in West Bend Wisconsin. I have Hades Kerbecs, Ray Striker, Rock Zurafa, Fireblaze, and Galaxy Pegasus
sorry already a team called legend bladers they have a youtube and everything try a different name
Hello, Everyone.

I realize I am not your typical demographic to sign up on this site, alas, I am writing to find a Beyblading Group for my son. We live in Milwaukee, and would love to find some kids who are as addicted to Beyblades as he is. He is 9 years old, and has about 8 beyblades that he uses, as well as an arena. Does anyone know if there is a group, and if so, how often do they meet? Where?

