World Beyblade Organization by Fighting Spirits Inc.
WBO Melbourne Bladers: Hall of Fame - Printable Version

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WBO Melbourne Bladers: Hall of Fame - Sam the Beast - Sep. 08, 2012

Melbourne Hall of Fame

I decided to go through the history of the Melbourne Bladers recently and dissect as much information from them possible to create the Hall of Fame. I asked a lot of people to confirm a lot of the content in this thread.

Melbourne WBO Generation Key:
- First Generation: 2009 - April 2010
- Second Generation: May 2010 - April 2011
- Third Generation: May 2011 - April 2012
- Fourth Generation: May 2012 - April 2013
- Fifth Generation: May 2013 Onwards

Each member listed in the Hall of Fame is listed in WBO Register order/first appearance at a tournament, not in importance.

Omega The King
- One of the very first Melbourne bladers to join the WBO, is known as "The King".
- Hosted the very first Melbourne tournament and all official events ever since.
- Is the 2011 Victorian Beyblade Champion
- Peaks at #2 on the WBO Worldwide Rankings
- Has inspired many bladers and has kept Melbourne's BeySpirit alive for years.
- Is the leader of "The Prodigies"; arguably the worlds best Beyblade Team.
Generation: First
Retired: Unknown

Dragonsclaw (Currently Zanzetsuken) The Vanisher
- One of the very first Melbourne bladers to join the WBO.
- Dominated the plastic scene in the early phase of Melbourne blading.
- Highly knowledgable about Beyblade at the time.
Generation: First
Retired: Yes

Tan The Great Legend
- Omega's pupil and "hidden successor", he claims that Tan has the strongest natural ability for blading than anyone he has come across. The two have bladed for years before the WBO days.
- Is the 2009 Victorian Beyblade Champion. Swept the tournament with 0 losses (+ was his first and only tournament) being the only Victorian member to do so.
- Has left his mark as the original Victorian Champion and his return to the tournament scene is feared by many Melbourne bladers.
- Is a member of The Prodigies.
Generation: First
Retired: Unknown

Novae Rog The Hellraiser
- Relit his BeySpirit after many years on the same night as Omega, but was later to join the WBO. The two have bladed for years before the WBO days.
- Even though his blading skills and typing is very predictable, they are hard to counter and he has been proven more than a tough opponent by many bladers.
- Has stayed consistent through out his blading career.
- Stays true to his original customisations in both MFB and Plastic blading.
- Is a member of The Prodigies.
Generation: First
Retired: Unknown

Resistance The Resilient
- Has been around the Melbourne tournament scene since early on, is known as "The Underdog".
- Is Omega's first cousin, they've bladed together for years before the WBO days.
- Was one of the first to stay true to the Attack type even through his ups and downs, but eventually made a name for himself and achieved many great victories.
- Is a member of The Prodigies.
Generation: First
Retired: Unknown

Robsta The Boss
- Has been around the Melbourne tournament scene since mid "First Generation".
- Has stayed consistent throughout his Beyblade career.
- Is the 2010 Victorian Beyblade Champion
- Is calm and unpredictable, fools his opponents into making them think he's not a big deal.
- Is a member of The Prodigies.
Generation: First
Retired: Unknown

Chaos Blader The Bootless Wonder
- Has been around the Melbourne tournament scene since mid "First Generation".
- Has attended every successful official Melbourne tournament to date.
- Is known for his unique style and customisations.
- Has had his ups and downs, but his ups are definitely notable.
- Is a member of UniquE.
Generation: First
Retired: No

Giraton The Propellent
- Has stuck around since the "Second Generation" of the Melbourne WBO bladers.
- Proven to be one of the most unpredictable bladers.
- Has a true BeySpirit, he is a big part of the Melbourne community.
- Is the leader of "The Immortals" Beyblade Team.
Generation: Second
Retired: No

blah The King Slayer
- Appeared in the "Second Generation" of the Melbourne WBO bladers as an unknown, but very quickly changed that by becoming a forum Moderator and a blader not to be treated lightly.
- Is the only blader to put Omega out of commission for a reasonable amount of time.
- Is one of the most feared bladers, peaking in the top 10 of the WBO Worldwide Rankings and has stayed within the top 30 for basically his entire Beyblade career.
- Is the leader of "UniquE"; another Melbourne Beyblade Team that is arguably the best in the world.
Generation: Second
Retired: No

Chups The Swift
- Appeared in the "Second Generation" of the Melbourne WBO bladers as a reasonably weak blader.
- He learned a lot from his first tournament (BEYINFERNO; the largest Melbourne tournament ever and tournament of the world in it's time) and has become quite the competitor since then.
- Has peaked in the top 10 of the WBO Worldwide Rankings.
- Is a member of UniquE.
Generation: Second
Retired: Yes

tehfez The Mechanical Beast
- Has stuck around since the "Third Generation" of the Melbourne WBO bladers.
- Is one of Melbourne's eldest bladers (Age-wise) and is extremely intelligent when it comes to battle tactics and preparation.
- Is a member of UniquE.
Generation: Third
Retired: Unknown

Mish The Lost Gauntlet
- Appeared in the "Third Generation" of the Melbourne WBO bladers.
- Had a vast collection of parts and was prepared for any type of battle.
- Was recognised by both The Prodigies and UniquE Beyblade Teams, but joined The Prodigies.
Generation: Third
Retired: Yes

ZX The Prophet
- Appeared in the "Fourth Generation" of the Melbourne WBO bladers out of nowhere.
- Dominated his first tournament ever, some say he is the modern day Tan.
- Has only attended two tournaments but has beaten Omega for first place in both of them.
- Is the 2012 Victorian Beyblade Champion.
- Is the only Fourth Generation Blader to make it on the Hall of Fame.
- Known as "The Rising Star" and "Future King". Many believe he has what it takes to truly become Omega's successor.
Generation: Fourth
Retired: No

Runner Up:
Raykon The Pioneer
- Helped kick off the Melbourne scene by travelling from Sydney (his home) to the first ever successful tournament in Melbourne; BEY BLAZE back in 2010.
Generation: First
Retired: Yes



The Lost Generation: Years have gone by. What has happened to Melbourne's Beyblade scene? Will Omega and others ever make a return?

Old news:

RE: WBO Melbourne Bladers: Hall of Fame - Omega - Sep. 08, 2012

Haha wow, this is actually really cool. Props man Smile

RE: WBO Melbourne Bladers: Hall of Fame - Novae Rog - Sep. 08, 2012

Very cool idea, thanks Sam the man lol. Brings me back to the good old original tournament days.

RE: WBO Melbourne Bladers: Hall of Fame - Robsta - Sep. 08, 2012

Haha this is awesome

Wish I got to meet dragonsclaw Unhappy

RE: WBO Melbourne Bladers: Hall of Fame - Sam the Beast - Sep. 08, 2012

Thank-you Hall of Famers. Robsta, I also wish I got to meet Dragonsclaw and be apart of the Melbourne community from the start of the First Generation.

RE: WBO Melbourne Bladers: Hall of Fame - Giraton - Sep. 08, 2012

wow, so this is what you were planning. well done i must say. i can't beleve im in here, i may be one of the most commited but never thought myself to be this good. unpredictable hmm, im unpredictable even for myself, so yea, must say, good discription. out of what ive seen (and not seen) out of the others here, very true to the end.

RE: WBO Melbourne Bladers: Hall of Fame - Tan - Sep. 10, 2012

Truly amazing, it means a lot that I've made it to this list.

RE: WBO Melbourne Bladers: Hall of Fame - tehfez - Sep. 10, 2012

haha this is awesome, thanks for making this =]

RE: WBO Melbourne Bladers: Hall of Fame - Sam the Beast - Sep. 13, 2012

Thank-you Giraton, Tan and tehfez.
I have added a News / Predictions section at the bottom of the thread, I thought it might be interesting.

RE: WBO Melbourne Bladers: Hall of Fame - JINX - Oct. 01, 2012

this is very cool its like blader news paper at the bottem

RE: WBO Melbourne Bladers: Hall of Fame - Sam the Beast - Jan. 16, 2013

I have updated the OP adding more parts in the News/Predictions section and I have added a poll, please vote!

RE: WBO Melbourne Bladers: Hall of Fame - Thunder Dome - Jan. 16, 2013

Wow this is really cool. Good job man!

RE: WBO Melbourne Bladers: Hall of Fame - Sam the Beast - Feb. 03, 2013

Congratulations to ZX winning the 2012 Victorian Beyblade Championships! Please welcome him to the Hall of Fame!

The news section has also been updated.

RE: WBO Melbourne Bladers: Hall of Fame - Zanzetsuken - Feb. 23, 2013

Did everyone want to meet me or something? Lol

RE: WBO Melbourne Bladers: Hall of Fame - Sam the Beast - May. 31, 2013

(Feb. 23, 2013  2:28 PM)Zanzetsuken Wrote: Did everyone want to meet me or something? Lol

Wow! You have returned to the forums, what a surprise! Glad to have you back online. (This is Dragonsclaw for those who don't know!)

Also edited the news section in the OP!

RE: WBO Melbourne Bladers: Hall of Fame - Ultra - May. 31, 2013

It's kinda odd you revived this at a time when active bladers in Melbourne are so low that you couldn't even arrange anything for beydays.

RE: WBO Melbourne Bladers: Hall of Fame - Sam the Beast - Jun. 01, 2013

Plenty of bladers in Melbourne who are ready for a tournament, just not active on the forums (like me). Whenever Omega hosts a tournament he gets the community going. (He's busy with school)

Edit: Edited the news section again! Also edited ZX's profile.

RE: WBO Melbourne Bladers: Hall of Fame - ZX - Jun. 02, 2013

Really enjoying this thread Sam! Great job on the update...

RE: WBO Melbourne Bladers: Hall of Fame - Omega - Jun. 02, 2013

Don't count me out just yet, I'm still in the game Tongue_out. Working on a tournament hopefully for these holidays. Other than that, I love the thread Sam; keeps things interesting.

(Feb. 23, 2013  2:28 PM)Zanzetsuken Wrote: Did everyone want to meet me or something? Lol

Didn't expect to see you back on the forum! Welcome back Joyful_3 You've missed all the action though, haha.